Gifted & Talented
Biweekly Choiceboards
Top 10 Websites & Activities To Try Anytime
A list of activities and videos here for teachers to share with students and parents alike to help keep those brains moving during these difficult times. The link has some great videos from our authors and friends, free worksheet links, and links to other free online activities.
An interactive online system that provides a personalized learning environment for students. Renzulli Learning supports strength based personalized learning in all subjects for students in grades Pre-K through 12. **Email your child's GATE teacher to receive a user name and password if you are interested **
The all-things-gifted site, full of resources, articles, books and links to help and support parents, teachers, and gifted children alike. Pick your path, and explore them all!
Provides kid-friendly answers to questions that make children wonder and are also broken down by topic (math, science, language, etc.). There are extension links to learn more.
A collection of brain teasers, puzzles, riddles and optical illusions. There are thousands of puzzles and brain teasers, with something for every day, including optical illusions.
A free homework information portal that features the very best K-12 homework related sites but also has puzzles, links to interesting questions, virtual field trips, etc
This site has about 11 games to play including crosswords, animal rhymes, easy Sudoku for kids, number puzzles, etc.
Through Technovation Families, students and their families explore core concepts of Artificial Intelligence, apply AI tools to solve problems in their communities and have the opportunity to enter their ideas into a global competition.
Includes a plethora of elementary and middle school STEM activities and engineering challenges as well as a free STEM at Home weekly video series led by real engineers and Top Take Home STEM Resources and ideas.
An unprecedented collection of 4,300+ kid-friendly videos, curated for teachers and parents who want to share smarter, more meaningful media in the classroom and at home.It is a great “spark” for creativity within any subject area!