Computer Science

6th-8th Grade

Expand The Week Under Your Grade For Great Things To Learn This Week

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6th Grade

Week 1: April 6-10

Learning Goal:

I can program a basic application using block coding, sequences, and algorithms to create games and art online.

Estimated Time for The Week:

1-2 hours (60-120 minutes)

Type of Lesson:

Online Coding Practice


Chromebook or other device with internet access.

Learn & Practice:

  • This week you will explore the basics of coding through’s Express Course.
  • Login to Code.Org using your School Google Account.
  • Once logged in, locate the "Join a Section" at the bottom of your Dashboard page and insert the code BMSQNV to begin the lessons.
  • Once you are in the course it will appear as "EPS 6th Grade Computer Science."
  • Click on "Express Course (2019)."
  • Complete Lessons 1-5.
  • Reach out to your teacher with any questions or comments!

Week 2: April 13-17

Learning Goal:

I can program a basic application and use loops, nested loops and conditionals (if/then) to code art and games more efficiently.

Estimated Time for The Week:

1-2 hours, 60-120 minutes

Type of Lesson:

Online Coding Practice


Chromebook or other device with internet access

Learn & Practice: This week you will continue to explore the basics of coding through’s Express Course.

  1. Login to Code.Org using your School Google Account
  2. IF you haven’t already - Locate the Join a section at the bottom of your Dashboard page and insert the code BMSQNV
  3. Once you are in the course it will appear as EPS 6th Grade Computer Science.
  4. Click on Express Course (2019)
  5. Complete Lessons 6-10 (If you have not completed lessons 1-5, you may want to back track to week 1 to understand previously mastered skills.)

Week 3: April 20-24

Learning Goal:

I can use conditionals (If/Else) and loops while programming an application to make a program more efficient.

Estimated Time for The Week:

1-2 hours; 60-120 mins.

Type of Lesson:

Online Coding Practice


Chromebook or other device with Internet access

Learn & Practice:

  1. Login to Code.Org using your School Google Account.
  2. IF you haven’t already - Locate the Join a section at the bottom of your Dashboard page and insert the code BMSQNV.
  3. Once you are in the course it will appear as EPS 6th Grade Computer Science.
  4. Click on Express Course (2019)
  5. Complete Lessons 11-15 (If you have not completed lessons 1-10, you may want to back track to weeks 1 & 2 to understand previously mastered skills.)

Week 4: April 27 - May 1

Learning Goal:

I can use functions (a named group of programming instructions) and variables (a placeholder for a piece of information that can change) to make my code more efficient and creative.

Estimated Time for The Week:

1-2 hours, 60-120 mins.

Type of Lesson:

Online Coding Practice


Chromebook or other device with internet access.

Learn & Practice:

  1. Login to Code.Org using your School Google Account
  2. IF you haven’t already - Locate the Join a section at the bottom of your Dashboard page and insert the code BMSQNV
  3. Once you are in the course it will appear as EPS 6th Grade Computer Science.
  4. Click on Express Course (2019)
  5. Complete Lessons 16-21 (If you have not completed lessons 1-15), you may want to back track to weeks 1-3 to understand previously mastered skills.)

Week 5: May 4-8

Learning Goal:

I can successfully use “For” Loops and sprites to enhance applications and create an entire interactive Virtual Pet that looks and behaves as you wish.

Estimated Time for The Week:

1-2 hours, 60-120 minutes

Type of Lesson:

Online Coding Practice


Chromebook or other device with internet access

Learn & Practice:

  1. Login to Code.Org using your School Google Account
  2. IF you haven’t already - Locate the Join a section at the bottom of your Dashboard page and insert the code BMSQNV
  3. Once you are in the course it will appear as EPS 6th Grade Computer Science.
  4. Click on Express Course (2019)
  5. Complete Lessons 22-27 (If you have not completed lessons 1-21, you may want to back track to weeks 1-4 to understand previously mastered skills.)

Week 6: May 11-13

Learning Goal:

I can explore and design code to create my own capstone project using Artist or Sprite Lab.

Estimated Time for The Week:

1-2 hours, 60-120 minutes

Type of Lesson:

Online Coding Capstone Project-You can create your own coding activity on your own! Have fun!


Chromebook or other device with internet access.

Learn & Practice:

  1. Login to Code.Org using your School Google Account
  2. IF you haven’t already - Locate the Join a section at the bottom of your Dashboard page and insert the code BMSQNV
  3. Once you are in the course it will appear as EPS 6th Grade Computer Science.
  4. Click on Express Course (2019)
  5. Complete Lesson 28 (If you have not completed lessons 1-27, you may want to back track to weeks 1-5 to understand previously mastered skills.)

7th Grade

Week 1: April 6-10

Learning Goal:

Understand and explain the need for computer languages and how to choose a language based on the task at hand.

Estimated Time for The Week:

1 hour

Type of Lesson:

Online, self-paced


Chromebook or other device with internet access.

Learn & Practice:

  • Login to Code.Org using your School Google Account.
  • Once logged in, locate the "Join a Section" at the bottom of your Dashboard page and insert the code YGQVBR to begin the lessons.
  • Students will examine lessons 1-4 of Unit 2 and read the required content and watch any instructional videos as we introduce HTML.
  • Reach out to your teacher with any questions or comments!

Week 2: April 13-17

Learning Goal:

Students will use HTML to create a web page that includes hierarchical headings, paragraphs, lists, and images.

Estimated Time for The Week:

1 hour

Type of Lesson:

Online, self-paced


Chromebook or other device with internet access

Learn & Practice:

  1. Students will log into their account using their Google account.
  2. Students will complete lessons 6, 7, & 8. Read the content and watch the instructional videos.
  3. Begin constructing your personal website using the new HTML tags you learn.
  4. Reach out to your teacher with any questions or comments!

Week 3: April 20-24

Learning Goal:

Students will understand differences between HTML and CSS and choose the most appropriate language for a given task.

Estimated Time for The Week:

1 hour

Type of Lesson:

Online, self-paced


Computing device with internet access

Learn & Practice:

  1. Students will log into their account using their Google account.
  2. Students will complete lessons 9 & 10. Read the content and watch the instructional videos.
  3. Link the pages of your personal website and begin exploring CSS.
  4. Reach out to your teacher with any questions or comments!

Week 4: April 27 - May 1

Learning Goal:

Students will explore styling elements with CSS and use classes to identify and set the properties for multiple elements.

Estimated Time for The Week:

1 hour

Type of Lesson:

Online, self-paced


Computing device with internet access

Learn & Practice:

  1. Students will log into their account using their Google account.
  2. Students will complete lessons 11 & 13. Read the content and watch the instructional videos.
  3. Add CSS to your webpage.
  4. Reach out to your teacher with any questions or comments!

Week 5: May 4-8

Learning Goal:

Students will recognize their responsibilities as creators and consumers of digital media. They should be able to make ethical and safe choices when publishing information online. They should understand that not all information found online is trustworthy, and have strategies for finding relevant and reliable information on the web.

Estimated Time for The Week:

1 hour

Type of Lesson:

Online, self-paced


Computing device with internet access

Learn & Practice:

  1. Students will log into their account using their Google account.
  2. Students will finish lesson 14. At this time use & to find new elements to make your site even better. (Examples: navigation bar, scrolling marquee, etc)
  3. Reach out to your teacher with any questions or comments!

Week 6: May 11-13

Learning Goal:

Students will understand the need for computer languages, and how to choose a language based on the task at hand. They should understand that different languages use different syntax.

Estimated Time for The Week:

1 hour

Type of Lesson:

Online, self-paced


Computing device with internet access

Learn & Practice:

  1. Students will log into their account using their Google account.
  2. Students will now have all of Unit 2 complete. Add the finishing touches to your website and share the final project with your parents and teacher.
  3. Reach out to your teacher with any questions or comments!

8th Grade

Week 1: April 6-10

Learning Goal:

You will understand how the grid works and you will be able to draw shapes using Javascript

Estimated Time for The Week:

1 hour, 15 minutes

Type of Lesson:

Online, self-paced


Chromebook or other device with internet access.

Learn & Practice:

  • Login to Code.Org using your School Google Account.
  • Once logged in, locate the "Join a Section" at the bottom of your Dashboard page and insert the code TRKLKC to begin the lessons.
  • During the next few weeks you will build on your coding experience as you program animations, interactive art, and games in the Game Lab. The unit starts off with simple shapes and builds up to more sophisticated sprite-based games, using the same programming concepts and the design process computer scientists use daily. In the final project, you will develop a personalized, interactive program.
  • This week we will do the activities in Lessons 1, 2, and 3 learning how the 400 x400 grid works and how to make simple shapes using Javascript.
  • Reach out to your teacher with any questions or comments!

Week 2: April 13-17

Learning Goal:

You will create an animation that includes text, sprites, and shapes.

Estimated Time for The Week:

90 minutes

Type of Lesson:

Online, self-paced


Chromebook or other device with internet access

Learn & Practice:

  1. Login to Code.Org using your School Google Account.
  2. [This is a continuation of last week's module. For instructions to join the unit, check out "Week 1" instructions for 8th grade computer science.] This week we will do the activities in Lessons 5, 6, and 7. As you progress you will review what you already know about variables and sprites, your animation will be like a flipbook.
  3. Reach out to your teacher with any questions or comments! Have fun and share your project if you want!

Week 3: April 20-24

Learning Goal:

Sprites flying across the screen and making a balloon grow and pop. You will identify which sprite properties need to be changed, and in what way, to achieve a specific movement and use conditionals to react to changes in variables and sprite properties

Estimated Time for The Week:

80 minutes

Type of Lesson:



Your imagination and your Chromebook

Learn & Practice:

  1. Login to Code.Org using your School Google Account.
  2. [This is a continuation of last week's module. For instructions to join the unit, check out "Week 1" instructions for 8th grade computer science.] This week we will do the activities in Lessons 9 & 11. As you progress though you will make the sprites you made last week fly across the screen.
  3. You will then use if-then statements to change the properties of the sprite. I love the growing apple that starts out green and changes to red.
  4. Reach out to your teacher with any questions or comments! Have fun and share your project if you want!

Week 4: April 27 - May 1

Learning Goal:

This week you will make a program that will respond to a variety of types of user input. The sprites will move when you use the arrow keys.

Estimated Time for The Week:

80 minutes

Type of Lesson:



Your imagination and Your Chromebook

Learn & Practice:

  1. Login to Code.Org using your School Google Account.
  2. [This is a continuation of last week's module. For instructions to join the unit, check out "Week 1" instructions for 8th grade computer science.] This week we will do the activities in Lessons 12 & 13. As you progress though you will make the sprites you made last week fly across the screen.
  3. You will create a sprite that flips when you click the arrow keys, and another one that makes the sprite up-down-left-right. I can’t wait to see which sprites you create!
  4. Reach out to your teacher with any questions or comments! Have fun and share your project if you want!

Week 5: May 4-8

Learning Goal:

You will make an interactive greeting card to share with a friend, use conditionals to react to keyboard input or changes in variables / properties, sequence commands to draw in the proper order

Estimated Time for The Week:

90 minutes

Type of Lesson:



Your imagination and Your Chromebook

Learn & Practice:

  1. Login to Code.Org using your School Google Account.
  2. [This is a continuation of last week's module. For instructions to join the unit, check out "Week 1" instructions for 8th grade computer science.] This week we will do the activities in Lessons 14. You will create a greeting card with sprites that move across the screen and then a message appears.
  3. This will be a great one to share with you friends and family that you are missing!
  4. Reach out to your teacher with any questions or comments! Have fun and share your project if you want!''

Week 6: May 11-13

Learning Goal:

Let's make it move with Velocity. Use the velocity and rotation speed blocks to create and change sprite movements/

Estimated Time for The Week:

75 minutes

Type of Lesson:



Your imagination and Your Chromebook

Learn & Practice:

Lesson 15: You will make fish swim, color wheels spin, and frogs jump over mushrooms. We know that you will enjoy this lesson!

Looking for a future week? Check back after 12:00pm (noon) on Sundays, when new weekly content goes live!