

Washing your hands is an effective way to stop the spread of germs!

Remember, hand washing is only as effective as your technique!

For the best results, follow these instructions and/or view one of the videos posted below:

  • Remember that soap doesn't kill germs! Instead, it binds to germs and allows water to easily wash them down the drain. You do not need to use antibacterial soap unless directed to do so by your health care provider.

  • When you wash your hands, wash them for at least 20 seconds (sing the ABC song!).

  • Make sure you scrub soap over all parts of your hands! Include the palms, the backs, the sides, in between your fingers, your thumbs, and under your fingernails.

Follow these steps!

FIRST - Pull up your sleeves

SECOND - get your hands wet

THIRD - put soap on your hands

FOURTH - scrub all over while you sing ABCs

(no water while you scrub)

FIFTH - rinse off all the soap

SIXTH - turn off the water

SEVENTH - dry your hands

Remember to wash your hands often, especially after touching "high-touch" surfaces (handles, phones, etc), whenever they look dirty, before you eat, after you touch animals or play outside, after you use the toilet, and after you cough or sneeze!

Remember also to cough and sneeze into your elbow!

Ms. Lu (from the Education Center health room), reads "Wash Your Hands".

I Can Be Safe and Healthy by Washing My Hands!.pdf

Handwashing - English

Scripted story from NCPMI

¡Puedo estar seguro y saludable lavándome las manos!.pdf

Handwashing - Spanish

Scripted story from NCPMI
