
Validating a learner’s life and working experiences as currency for future opportunities.

XCredit wins Learning Impact GOLD Medal

For "demonstrating the most significant impact on personalized learning, institutional performance, and the digital learning ecosystem".

XCredit a Finalist in EdTech Digest Awards

For "outstanding contributions in transforming education through technology to enrich the lives of learners everywhere".

Problem   |   Solution   |   Imperative

The Problem

Learning that happens on the job and in everyday life develops crucial skills that can be as meaningful as those signaled by certifications and degrees, yet it goes largely unrecognized by educational institutions and employers. 

The Lab's Solution

We're designing new ways of validating and credentialing informal learning. 

With our partners, we are developing a Minimally Viable Product (MVP) that over time can scale to help millions of workers seeking higher wages and a meaningful career. 

Put another way, we are creating simple, open and low-cost ways for people to, in effect, get "credit" for skills gained from their prior experience.  

The Imperative

Giving value to work and life experience leads to confidence, hope, empowerment, and a career pathway - as well as a shorter distance to median wage income. It is also a first step to examining the social and racial inequities inherent in our postsecondary education system and hiring practices.

Project Overview

The Education Design Lab developed the concept of an employer-validated "XCredit", or Experience Credit, which signals to employers the skills attained informally on the job or in life.  In the XCredit project, the Lab is designing, testing, and piloting three approaches to validating and credentialing these skills: 

Skill Assessments

Experiential assessments that allow an individual to showcase their skills. 

Skills Validation Network

A network is to expand the methods, tools, and opportunities available to validate skills gained through work and life experience 

Interoperable Ecosystem

An ecosystem of tools seamlessly sharing data to make learners' skills visible and shareable to employers seeking talent.

Meet the Lab's XCredit Team!

A Note from our Funder

“Translating real-world experiences into credentials can open up so many new doors for people. XCredit has the potential to unlock new career paths for job seekers and expand talent pools for employers, and we’re proud to support this good work.”

Sean Murphy, Senior Manager, Walmart.org

For more Information:

Click through the tabs across the top, or email us at xcredit@eddesignlab.org to learn more.