Military Jobseeker Pilot

What is the pilot about?

Education Design Lab’s XCredit initiative is about validating and credentialing an individual’s existing skills and making them visible to employers seeking skilled talent. 

It’s ultimately about helping individuals with valuable skills gain access to better-paying jobs.

Through this military pilot, we are offering participants an opportunity to validate their existing 21st century or “soft” skills, earn credentials, and signal their skills to prospective employers.

How does it work?


Take assessments and validate your skills

Earn Credentials

Earn industry-recognized credentials


Share with prospective employers

Who are we looking for to participate?

XCredit is inviting military connected jobseekers who are actively exploring and pursuing career opportunities in the civilian workforce within the next 3 months to participate in our pilot program. 

We view you as the experts and highly value your feedback. We want to learn from you and  understand your needs and pain points. This will help us determine what improvements need to be made to better serve you. 

If you have questions about whether you qualify for participation, please contact us at

What is in this for you?

Receive industry-recognized credentials by validating existing 21st-century skills gained through your military service and life experience. 

Take ownership of your credentials and use them to boost your job profile and share them with potential employers.

Contribute valuable feedback by supporting us to strengthen XCredit and help us better serve future veterans and opportunity seekers.

What can you expect?