The XCredit (L)earners

Sandeep Singh: Our Civilian Persona

About Sandeep: Sandeep (32) is a delivery dispatcher by day, earning $21 per hour and rideshare driver working mostly in the evenings. He has a high school diploma with some postsecondary coursework and years of varied experience across retail, banking, and building maintenance. He considers customer service to be one of his top skills. His primary goals and dreams: After 10 years of working at hourly rates, during odd hours, in many frontline industries, Sandeep is interested in making a career change to an “office job,” preferably in IT or customer service. He wants to start a family and have more flexibility on evenings and weekends, with a stable income and retirement options. Sandeep heard that there are many jobs in manufacturing, and is considering that as an alternate career pathway as well. What he values in his professional life:Sandeep values having an employer who recognizes his varied skills, obtained through working in diverse industries. He is a lifelong learner, and is looking to gain in-demand skills, leading to upward mobility. He strives to have work-life balance and values flexibility and opportunities where he can grown and learn.His challenges and pain points:

Sandeep is motivated to make a career shift, he knows his strength lies in customer service, but is struggling to take the next step. He struggles with how to organize his online resume. He does not think employers in an office setting, such as customer service in an IT firm, will see his experience in retail or banking as valuable or transferable. Since most of his work has been hands-on or over the phone, he worries about his lack of digital skills.

Andrea Rico: Our Military Persona

About Andrea: This is Andrea Rico, age 24. She is serving in the Navy and will transition to the civilian workforce in 3 months. She joined the military at age 18, right after high school. She has developed many skills over the past 6 years, notably leadership, problem-solving, and technology skills. Her primary goals and dreams: Andrea would like to move straight into a decent paying civilian job when she leaves the military, without going back to school to get a degree. She sees herself working in IT and eventually managing a small team. She’d like to start a family but wants to be financially stable first.Her strengths:Andrea loves facing new challenges and inspiring others to help her tackle those challenges. She also gets excited at the prospect of new technologies as tools to help solve complex problems, something she was very good at during her time in the military. Where she is in her journey:

Andrea is motivated to excel, and to show others she is highly capable. She will choose her next opportunity based on alignment with her skillset, company culture, and salary. She is open to relocating if necessary.