Skill Validation News + Updates

We officially launched the Skills Validation Network!

On November 2, 2022, we kicked off the XCredit Skills Validation Network with seven organizations in attendance, all committed to moving the field of skills validation forward.


The XCredit Skills Validation Network seeks to enable equitable opportunity for individuals who are Skilled Through Alternate Routes (STARs) through diverse, proven methods of skills validation, empowering them with valuable credentials in the skills-based economy.

Skill Validation Network Partners

  • Aspire Ability

  • CAEL

  • Credly

  • JobPaths

  • Muzzy Lane

  • Opportunity@Work

  • Randa


Our team of Instructional Designers designed 32 new assessments across the two platforms.

Name competencies here

What has this looked like on the backend?

  • Instructional Designers created 32 assessments across Muzzy Lane and Talespin technologies

  • Incorporated new learnings in weekly Instructional Designer team time to codify experience for future assessments

  • Iterated in 2-week cycles, capturing our learnings and revising the process to refine our assessment development process.

We are getting stronger! In Process and In Spirit!

We have been working tirelessly to onboard new members to our team and to strengthen our assessment development process.

What has this looked like on the backend?

  • The assessment development team includes:

    • 4 Instructional Designers

    • 5 SMEs

    • 2 User Testing Analysts

    • 1 Equity and Bias Reviewer

    • 1 Graphic Designer

  • Instructional Designers engage in a four-phase process to develop each assessment.

  • Each phase includes an iterative feedback loop, leveraging expertise from SMEs, IDs, and external analysts.