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Phase 2

Phase 2 of XCredit continues to build upon the ambitious work done in Phase 1, with a greater focus on four workstreams:

  1. Pilots + Proof Points

  2. Additional Skill Validation Tools + Methods

  3. Expanded Interoperable Ecosystem

  4. Skill Validation Research and Exploration

Please click on the workstreams below to read more about the latest updates!

Phase 1

In Phase 1 of the XCredit Design Challenge, the Lab engaged a team of six core partners to collaboratively develop a minimally viable product (MVP) demonstrating the potential of capturing, assessing, validating, and signaling 21st Century Skills.

Click here to read more about the progress we made in XCredit's Phase 1

Click here to explore Phase 1 through Andrea's [(l)earner] lens

Microsite Version - Phase 1 Progress.pdf