Pink Form

All portfolios should have two pink forms: 

The technical space has been moved off the form so that reviewers do not have to worry about it. Some portfolios will have three pink forms, because an international school has completed a pink form. Please treat these as you would any other portfolio and complete the two pink forms in Australia as usual. 

Add all reviewers to the form 

At the top left hand corner of the screen select the button Add Reviewer

This will display a pop-up search window.

Find their name and then press Select. You can use the filter boxes at the top of each column to narrow your search. Repeat this process for all other staff filling in the form with you.

The person who first opened the form will automatically have their name attached. 

LBGC Tech Rpt Interdisciplinary Science T.pdf

Admin checks 

The checkers have already checked for administrative errors. You do not need to re-check or comment on anything that is on this form. 

If the portfolio is missing a piece of work, please comment on the work that has been submitted and put IE for the student's grade. Please comment on the work/items that are there. 

Please do not talk in a mean or disdainful way about any school or portfolio. You may be sitting near the person who made the portfolio, or someone who is very proud of being part of that school.  

Good manners aside, it's a professional responsibility. If you witness bad behaviour, talk with your SGL so that they can speak to the person, or if needed, put in an incident report form. 

Fill in the questions and answers on the screen 

View this as a sensible and complete draft. The idea is to give useful feedback to the teachers and to enable the group completing the PRP (green) form with information that can be cut, pasted, and perhaps cleaned up a little as advice to the school. Refer to the Quality Assessment Guidelines. 

The ticks are very important. Think about them and allocate them fairly, and in line with the comment you make. These will help to decide a presentation's overall rating. 

It is a good idea to designate a scribe and have them make notes in the pink form while you talk. This can be very helpful in the "grade affirmation" section: if you have a few notes as you go, these can be parlayed into a few supporting sentences quite easily for the final PRP.  

Use the buttons below if you have questions, or skip to the next section

Completing the form 

Save as you go! You can save and return to a presentation. 

When you come to finish and submit the pink form, you will get a warning if there's blank parts in it. 

Pay it forward: don't leave a section blank, and don't just copy/paste the wording from above! You/your colleagues will be grateful when it's time to do the green form. 

Remember, you should be conferencing with the other group as part of the green form process.