Green Form

Both groups will be completing pink forms at the same time. You will then meet and fill in the green form (PRP) together. This is the feedback that will go back to the teacher and school. 

Filling in the green form

After a presentation has been reviewed twice on the day, hit "submit" on your pink form, get together with the other group and press the Add PRP button.  

Remember to double check the course name, course code and school names before pressing the Add PRP button.

Only open one PRP at any one time on one computer. ACS can get confused if you have multiple pink or green forms open on the same computer. 

If you add a PRP to the wrong school or course by accident, let your SGL know. They can delete an extra PRP with no worries. 

What happens to the green PRP? 

The green PRP is sent back to teachers and schools with advice on it. 

Remember that the PRP will be read by one of your colleagues and their manager/s. We ask for detail because the idea behind this feedback is to help the person who set the work reflect on that work. If you have been undertaking moderation day for a while, you have likely had helpful PRPs and minimal PRPs. We would like to increase the percentage of helpful PRPs, and we can only do that with your professionalism and care. 

Your comments and the effort you put in will be valued by people such as: 

From Moderation Day 2, 2023, the green PRP will be used to advise the BSSS whether a school should get a commendation, no action, or a warning based on the Moderation Risk Matrix. 

You will see there's questions on the green form. They are the same as on the pink form. 

Schools never see the pink form. Don't refer to comments on the pink form or disagreements on the pink form, because the school won't ever see them! 

You should conference with the other group who did a pink form on the day. 

You will have access to both groups' pink draft forms plus the pink draft from the OBSSS checkers. This is where paying it forward can make someone else's day, because you can use copy (CTL+C) and paste (CTL+V) to take great comments from both pink forms as part of your green form comment. 

Please make sure you copy the comments about the organisation of materials from the OBSSS form. 

Please also "clean up" your copy-paste so it makes sense! Try not to copy-paste the generic text accompanying the tick-boxes from the pink form -- put it in your on words. 

Adding a comment to affirm or change the grade 

The purpose of this is helping your colleagues to understand your reasoning. Moderation Day is the only formal chance many of us get to have some feedback on our grading decisions. 

Grade change down: it can be challenging to understand, or agree with, a grade change down. Putting some detail here helps the teacher (and their mentor, peers or manager) assess the reasons for the grade change and what their next action might be. 

Grade maintained: it has been shown that cognitive biases can mean that someone who is really great at something may not be able to recognise that they are great at it, or the parts that they're great at.  Help people understand why they're great so that they can replicate their work! Equally, as mentioned above, the affirmation of the grade may help articulate for someone new, or someone trying a new approach, the ways in which they're on the right track. 

What can I write? 

You might write a short sentence about each item, particularly if the quality of the student work varied between tasks. 

You might write an holistic statement about the student's work. 

Where something was particularly problematic or excellent, you may highlight this.