Getting started

Get the Seesaw Class App

Your child will use the Seesaw Class app for home learning. This is different than the Seesaw Family app you normally use to view your child's work and communicate with their teacher.

If your home device is a tablet or phone, download or update the Seesaw Class app in your device’s app store. The most recent version of Seesaw is required for home learning. App update is required!

If your home device is a laptop or computer, visit

Log In to Seesaw

Use the Home Learning Code you received from your child's classroom teacher, watch the video or view the one-pager below to help them sign in.

Get familiar with how it works

Using the videos to get familiar with how activities and the tools work within Seesaw. Many activities will not require students to actively use Seesaw to share their ideas, but there will be options for students to engage with the app or web interface. Watch the video tutorials with your child to get familiar with how it all works.


Whats the difference?

Seesaw Class & Family are two separate apps that are downloadable from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. They have different functionalities and are used for different purposes.


Seesaw Family is used by adult family members to view and like your child's work, stay updated with the latest announcements and communicate with staff at Kaleen Primary school. It does not have any functionality to complete tasks or upload to a students portfolio.


Seesaw Class is the app used by both teachers and students. When logged in, your child can view their own portfolio, view and complete activities within the app and stay up to date with student focused announcements. Parents can also log in as their child to be aware of the current tasks assigned to students (as many do not require the student to use the app)