The Long Term Activity Bank (LTAB) is a place to access a variety of open-ended and ongoing activities that should take longer than a day to engage with. These activities cover a range of learning areas, and emphasise collaboration and sharing between family members. Click through the Slides to explore and discover an activity that suits you and your family!

As well as Long Term Activities designed to be worked on for several days, we also have some "Short Sharp Activities" designed to be quick, open-ended tasks that you can do in a short timeframe.

NEW Long Term Activities have been created by the KPS teachers - check these out!

13. Animal Sanctuary
14. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
15. Design Your Dream School
16. If You Were Small...
17. Living on Mars
18. My Special Place
19. Tiddalick
21. Roots & Shoots
20. How to Eat a Hamburger
22. Sustainability Spring Clean