Digital Learning

The following resources are digital resources aimed to build students skills in different curriculum areas. Many of the resources require a parent to create an account for their child and provide them with login details.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Some digital resources below allow access for students using their EDU Google account and parents are responsible for managing home use. For more information on this, please contact the school directly.

Resources that are marked as self guided include functionality where students can take a placement test or parents can assign a task/series of tasks for their child to work through independently. For resources without this mark, we recommend parents work with students to identify appropriate content and tasks.


The 'Digital Backpack' is our online portal which provides safe and secure access to a range of online learning platforms for students.

The Digital Backpack

  • can be accessed from any device with a modern internet browser at school, home, anywhere!

  • Is an easy way for students to access all of our online learning services with just a single SchoolsNET username and password.

  • Is hosted and protected by secure ACT Government identity and access management systems.

For more detailed information on the digital backpack, click here for the Education Directorate information sheet.


ABC Reading Eggs is an engaging resource that supports students' reading, comprehension, vocabulary and grammar skills through easy to follow games and activities. To access, simply use your login and password given to you by your classroom teacher.

Storybird is a great digital tool for writing stories in a visually appealing way, thus motivating students to write and read stories.

Lalilo is a literacy app for K-2 teachers. It focuses on early literacy skills. Students journey through different worlds while reading books, and progressing on a learning path.

First set up a parent account and select "Homeschool Parent". This will let you establish your child as a student. From there, the program will guide you through the remainder of getting your child set up.

Scholastic's free Learn at Home program includes lessons for pre-K through grade 6-plus include four separate learning experiences, built around a story or video..The lessons last up to three hours, and can be completed on any device.

Parent support is recommended for junior years.


The website contains a large selection of problem solving and mathematical reasoning challenges. Navigate the website to find tasks appropriate to your child's age, and either display them on the device or print them off. Have your child show their thinking on paper.

Prodigy is a self guided online math program where users meet a friendly creature who guides them as they enter a fantasy world filled with battles and rewards.

Please note, some classes at Kaleen Primary School already use this resource in the classroom, so message your child's teacher to see if they already have an account set up.

Dr. Paul Swan is an inspirational mathematics consultant from Western Australia, who shares his exciting ideas, videos, and resources on this site.

Here you can find free Maths materials and activities that require only the most common materials.

The Arts

Here you’ll find all kinds of art lessons, including how to draw, painting and even origami for kids. There is a very large selection of video tutorials teaching students of all ages how to draw different things of interest. Have your child pick something that interests them and the video will guide them through the process. They can pause at any point to catch up (or take a break!).

For crafty kids, offers thousands of courses and projects with how-to videos for ages 4-13-plus.

First set up a parent account before creating your child's login. Once a child is logged in they have access to a very large selection of projects and course topics including drawing, photography, science, music, Lego-building and Minecraft-video making.


Duolingo is a free language learning app that helps kids learn a language through short, game-like exercises.

Set up an account for your child using the app or web interface and assign them a language to learn (we recommend Japanese at it aligns with our curriculum).

This site provides useful tools for people who wish to learn Japanese online for free. This site uses games, flash cards, lessons and quizzes to teach Japanese in a fun and engaging way.

Learn Japanese through guided lessons. You'll learn to write hiragana, katakana and over 100 kanji correctly, as well as their perfect pronunciation recorded by Japanese teachers.

Note: There is a one off fee for this app


This page offers free access to the highly successful learn-to-read book series, Suzie the Scientist and Millie the Mathematician.

These early reader books represent a new take on levelled readers, linking reading development directly to the Australian Curriculum in Science and Maths.

National Geographic Kids provides interactive learning for science, history, and geography.

Learn Japanese through guided lessons. You'll learn to write hiragana, katakana and over 100 kanji correctly, as well as their perfect pronunciation recorded by Japanese teachers.

Note: There is a one off fee for this app

Digital Technology

ScratchJr is an introductory programming language that enables young children (ages 5-7) to create their own interactive stories and games. Children snap together graphical programming blocks to make characters move, jump, dance, and sing.

Free lesson plans are available by clicking here.

Scratch (version 3.0) is the latest iteration of the block-based coding language created by MIT's Lifelong Kindergarten Group.

Scratch has some great getting started tutorials and guides you can access by clicking here.

TypingClub is a typing and keyboarding program with lessons and incentives that help kids learn to touch-type (typing using all fingers, without looking at the keyboard).

Please note, some classes at Kaleen Primary School already use this resource in the classroom, so message your child's teacher to see if they already have an account set up.

Hopscotch is an iPad app that allows kids to program their own games and animations, letting their creativity run wild while learning the basics of programming.

Free lesson plans are available by clicking here and signing up. is a K-12 game-based learning site and app that offers 40+ engaging vocabulary, spelling, phonics, and writing activities to build reading comprehension. Students can work at their own pace and receive instant feedback upon submitting the completed test.

A guide to getting set up can be found by clicking here.


ABC Education brings you thousands of free, curriculum-linked resources for Primary and Secondary students and teachers.

National Geographic Kids provides interactive learning for science, history, and geography.

This website provides educational games and activities for school-aged children. The games on the website are organized into grade levels from pre-kindergarten to Sixth grade, as well as into subject categories such as letters, numbers, and holidays.

A kid friendly radio station that plays family friendly music and stories.

In each episode of Imagine This, they delve into a puzzling question from an inquisitive mind, examining the science behind it in a fun and engaging way.

Behind the News (more commonly known as BTN) is a long-running news programme broadcast on the ABC. It is aimed at upper primary and lower secondary students with the hope of helping them understand issues and events outside their own lives.

After providing and confirming an email address, parents create a user account for each kid using the app. When kids start, they meet and play with friendly animal guides. Then, activities are automatically presented according to age and past performance.

Khan Academy is a free website and educational app that includes thousands of educational videos aimed at self-paced instruction.

Khan Academy has a thorough guide for setting up the program for home use that can be accessed at by clicking here.

Studyladder features lessons on a wide variety of subjects for kids in pre-K through 6th grade. The site has some interactive games, videos, and other content.

Please note, some classes at Kaleen Primary School already use this resource in the classroom, so message your child's teacher to see if they already have an account set up.