
Accountability-Taking responsibility for your actions

Collaboration-Working with someone to create something

Copyright-Copyright is a type of intellectual property that gives it's owner the exclusive right to make copies of a creative work, usually for a limited time.

Entrepreneurship- Setting up a business-taking on risk in the hope of profit

Free Market Economy-Based on supply and demand. Companies can set their own prices

Grit-Courage strength of character!

Inventory-A complete list of items/ things that will be in our store!You use this for organization  and ordering the right amount of items

Makerspace-Are places where students come together to try out ideas and learn by doing

Profit Margin-Amount of money a business after it pays off all it's bills

QR Codes-A code that connects to something

Spreadsheet- Helps keep our inventory organized  format of a document data chart

Start-up costs- Money paid out to start business

Trademarks-A symbol, word, or words legally registered or established by use as representing a company or product

Tribe-One big Family!

Tutorial: Relating to a tutor or a tutor's instruction

Work ethic-The principal of hard work-comes from within ourselves-We choose to work hard!