DIY Accounting: How to File Income Statements

How To File Income Statements

By Richard Ackom-Brew, Accountant 2023-2024

Materials Needed


Why Accounting is Important 

Step 1- Getting a Cash Receipt Reconciliation Form 

Your income sheet might not look like this, be sure to comfirm with your boss what exactly the income sheet looks like

Step 2- Filling Out Header

Step 3- Filling out the Form 

Step 4- Bring to Financial Office

Step 5- Return the Deposit Form to Folder For Storage


Q: Do I need to be a accountant

A: You must be able to count and be trsutworthy and reliable

Q: How will accounting help me in the long run

A: You'll learn how to be able to track your finances and do your taxes

Q: How much do accountants make 

A: Entry level accountants make a nationwide average of $30 a hour