What to Expect on Exam Day

There are many strict guidelines for the administration of AP exams.  It is important that you read and follow all instructions.

Most exams take place in one of the spaces in the PAC or in the PE Gym (also known as the Visual Arts Building; it's next to the library, across the courtyard from the main building).  You will receive an email with your exam location, but you won't know your seat number until you arrive for your exam.  Students who receive accommodations for testing will be notified by counselor Caty Broderick of their room assignment and reporting time. Please be sure to follow her instructions.

Morning Exam: Report by 7:30

Afternoon Exam: Report by Noon

Exams will begin by 8:00 and by 12:30; instructions begin 10 minutes prior to the start time.  We will not hold the start of the exam for late students. 

Exams range in length from 2 hours and 10 minutes to 3 hours and 25 minutes -- not including the time required for reading instructions or for distributing and picking up test materials.

In order to start afternoon exams on time, we have to start morning exams early.  Also, a significant number of Westlake students end up having two exams on the same day, so it's critical that we can finish the morning exam in time for those students to make it to the afternoon exam (and hopefully have time to eat a few bites of lunch on the way).


Snack/Drink (optional)



The following should either be left at home or put in your bag or backpack.  They are NOT allowed in the testing room.

Cell Phone

Smart Watch

Any other electronic devices.

Snacks and Drinks