Statistics transition from GCSE

Section overview:

Much of A-level statistics will build on content previously covered during GCSE. Use the resources on this page to assess your understanding of these fundamentals and provide a refresher if needed.

Statistics transition and sampling remote learning:

  • Task 1: Complete and mark the GCSE Statistics Diagnostic Paper 1 in the section below. Use the videos on this page to fully develop your understanding of these topics (you can watch them before completing the paper as a refresher or after completing the paper to fill in any gaps). Topic titles and video suggestions are provided in the solutions document. Please submit this work to the Google Classroom post.

  • Task 2: Complete the Data Collection Workbook on sampling. You will find support on this in Chapter 1 of the online textbook (Applied Year 1). There are additional sampling videos at the bottom of this page. Please bring this work to your first lesson back.

  • Task 3: See Google Classroom post for Google Form Statistics Diagnostic paper 2 (this includes content covered in tasks 1 and 2).

If you are unsure about any of this work, please use the rest of the resources on this page or contact your teacher to fully develop your understanding on the topic before your next lesson.

GCSE Statistics Diagnostic Paper 1:

Complete the diagnostic paper below then self-assess using the mark scheme.
Use the videos on this page to develop any of your weaker areas.

GCSE statistics revision playlist:

This video playlist provides an in-depth overview of some of the most important topics from GCSE statistics, including a focus on exam-style questions. (The videos in the quick revision sections will focus more on basic methods.)

Quick revision videos - averages:

Averages and range from a list of data

Averages and range from a frequency table

Averages from a grouped frequency table

Quick revision - statistical diagrams:


Frequency polygons

Cumulative frequency diagrams and box plots

Quick revision - probability:

Probability (basics)

Probability (independent events)

Venn diagrams

Quick revision - sampling:

Stratified sampling calculations

Sampling introduction (A-level)

Sampling techniques overview (A-level)