Linear programming

Section overview:

The PowerPoint below provides an overview of material in this topic, including explanations and examples - for the full experience, open in a new tab then download it. All exercise references are to the new specification Pearson textbook - you can access the digital version for free or buy your own for extra practice.

Written summary notes are also given below for quick revision of key points, plus a selection of exam-style questions (with solutions) to test your understanding.

Explore further: Stigler's diet

  • Learning how to optimise your diet [Video]
  • A short history of linear programming [Article]

Extra resources:

Use the videos below to support your understanding of the topic. The ones on the left are specific to the course, building up to demos of exam-style questions; the ones on the right are for your own amusement, although the alternative outlook may provide you with a deeper overall understanding and appreciation of the topic.

Additional topic playlist (open in separate window to access individual videos):

Extra fun!