Relative Services are additional supports needed in order for a child to further benefit from special education programming.  

Such Supports could include:

The Dallas School District provides a full continuum of related services to students in Grades K-12 in both district-operated programs as well as programs provided by the Luzerne Intermediate Unit (LIU 18).  Featured below is a list of District Programs as well as LIU Programs we utilize within Luzerne County.


Speech and Language Therapy

Sandy Darling (Wycallis)

Stephanie Schlude (DIS)

Dayna Scouton (DMS, DHS)

The role of the Occupational/Physical Therapist is to address functional performance challenges in school. The therapists collaborate with teachers, parents and the other educational professionals to identify causes for the student’s fine or gross motor functional challenges in school. The Occupational/Physical Therapist will provide screening and/or evaluation to be determined either through the Response to Intervention Team (RTI) or Evaluation process. The Occupational/Physical Therapist will then provide consultation, monitoring, direct treatment and/or training for those students. Some students may be provided an Occupational/Physical Therapist through a service plan in order to benefit from their education.

PT                                        OT 

Ashlee Berry                                                                       Michael Richards

      Ann Louise Wojnarski

Services for School Age Students

Services designed to meet the needs of students with a disability include the annual development of an Individualized Education Program (IEP), triennial multidisciplinary re-evaluation, or biannual multidisciplinary re-evaluation for students with intellectual disabilities. Services may be provided in an itinerant program, resource program, placement in a part-time or full-time special education class in a regular school, or placement in a full-time special education class at a location other than the regular school. The extent of special education services and the location for the delivery of such services are determined by the IEP team and are based on the student’s identified needs and abilities, chronological age, and the level of intensity of the specified intervention. The district also provides related services such as transportation, physical therapy, and occupational therapy required for the student to benefit from the special education program.


Deaf and Hard of Hearing

The role of the itinerant teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing is to provide both direct and consultative services to students who exhibit documented hearing loss.  Support for students and staff for hearing aid maintenance, FM systems, sign language training and staff orientations are provided as needed. 

Orientation and Mobility (O&M) 

This role of the O&M teacher is to assist in orienting the student to the building and making sure that he/she has functional mobility within the school environment.  The O&M teacher works closely in conjunction with the vision support teacher and the physical therapy teacher.  

Vision Services

The role of the Vision Support Teacher is to provide both direct and consultative services to students who exhibit documented visual impairment. This will also include specialized visual materials and textbooks. Referrals for screenings and educational evaluations will be conducted by Vision Support Staff and will result in a report offering educational recommendations and/or specially designed instruction. 

Samantha Scalpi

Social Worker 

The LIU provides support in the area of social work. Services could include but are not limited to: Individual/Group therapy, crisis intervention supports, as well as outside family coordination assistance. 

Laura Davis