Parent Communication

Communication is a critical part of fostering success in all children!  Each Special Educator is called a Case-Manager and is responsible for coordinating all special education activities.  Case Managers are your first point of contact. 

Building Principals or Guidance Counselors attend Individualized Education Meetings (IEP) as the Local Education Agent (LEA).  They commit district resources and follow-up to assure the Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) are being carried out as written.  Building Principals are your second point of contact. 

By following this sequence, parents should expect resolutions of their needs, questions, or concerns within a reasonable amount of time.

Case Manager in your child's building (Charge Teachers)


Director of Special Education

Wycallis Primary Center       K-2

Dallas Intermediate School  3-5

        Dallas Middle School             6-8

Dallas High School
