River View

Ms. Cook's Grade 6 class

River View - Amplify the Arts 2024

River View's Amplify the Arts team

It started with just 2 friends in Grade 4 showing up who love art. They decided on the idea of doing a collaborative art piece/mural. 

They said a bird would be a good idea because we are the Red Hawks!

At this point, two Grade 8’s joined and then we found a hawk mural made of individual feathers. The team decided on giving each person in the school a feather to contribute to the bird. 

We also ended up sending a feather home with students so that their families, who are also a part of our community, could take part in our mural. 

Our team grew, the feathers were finished, and many wanted to take part in putting it together; so our community started to get involved in more ways than I originally expected! 

The team decided on “soaring together” for a quote.