Princess Elizabeth

The Kinders of Mrs. Coholan and Mrs. Smith's class

We discussed the concept of "Community" and thought about how we are connected to each other. The children thought about how some of them have the same favourite colour but others have different favourite colours. 

We decided to choose our favourite colours of paint to blend and asked the students what we could use to create our artwork? What tools show connection? 

The students chose magnets to blend their favourite colours by using a paper plate and a paperclip as the "paintbrush."

 When our paintings were dry we attached them together and decided: 

"Our favourite colours connect us! Our differences are what our classroom community beautiful!" 

After our discussion about celebrating the differences in our classroom community, we created a self-portrait using loose parts and materials to highlight how each of us are unique.

This work of art is by 

Emmeline L.

When asked what she loves about her self-portrait she said:

"I love my hair because it's curly. I love my mouth because I can eat gummies! Gummies are my favourite.