Quaker Road

To celebrate Black History Month, the Intermediate students at Quaker explored the works of 4 artists: Jean-Michel Basquiat, Etta Vee, Amy Sherald, and Andrea Pippins. 

From these inspirations, students were encouraged to develop a piece that was meaningful to them - bringing in their own unique identities, messages, and styles. 

There was an incredible amount of diversity in the works, from the meaning behind the pieces to the materials they incorporated. Some students explored clay, papier-mâché, wire, resin, and many had repurposed found items for sculptural pieces. 

On April 19th, families were invited to their gallery showing, where each student stood by their work ready to chat with visitors about their process and creative journey

They talked about how they were inspired, their challenges and struggles along the way, and how they revised and changed their ideas.