
“One good book is equal to a hundred good friends but one good friend is equal to a library”

-A.P.J Abdul Kalam

Books are our steadfast friends,

We should read them till the very end.

Of various genres—thriller, horror and mystery,

 Covering subjects like Maths, Science, English and History.

 In assorted sizes—short, big and long,

 Never leading you astray, never in the wrong.

 Discover one with a narrative so strong,

 With which you feel a bond lifelong.

 My personal preference leans toward suspense,

 Though initially unclear, it builds immense.

 The plot might sometimes become intense,

 Rooted in reality, events commence.

 They fortify your vocabulary,

 Correcting mistakes with every story.

 Across languages—Hindi, Urdu and English,

 They reveal words elusive and distinguished.

In solitude, books become companions in time,

Choose from medicinal, factual or even crime.

 Select a book that suits your prime,

 You might find your thoughts and the author's in rhyme.

 Revelations await within the pages,

 Unveiling facts and unlocking wisdom for ages.

 In a quiz, your newfound knowledge engages,

 In emergencies, it assists and engages.

 The act of reading is a journey you undertake,

 Turning pages, each one a piece of cake.

 Choose a book that is solely yours to take,

 On the shelf, they patiently wait.

Soumil Shiprak



Losing a part of ourselves 

but willing to repeat it all again,

To get over that same loss.

Building boundaries and tough skin 

To find someone to knock them all down.

In hopes they don’t become the karma we ran from 

In hopes they’ll become peace to neutralize war inside our hearts.

In hopes that they’ll prove all the lessons, 

that we have learned from our traumas, to be wrong. 

Is it an addiction??

Or is it suicide? 

Or is it blind faith?

How we’ll go from someone’s dream to nightmare.

They only difference is if it’s intentional or not

Anushka Solanki


Grade VIII

I was in my bad times - maybe at worst,

This all happened in term first.

Suddenly came a miracle in disguise,

I didn’t know what was in it? -  lies?

My favourite teachers gone,

But for nothing wrong.

Some came new,

Nothing they actually knew.

Some came great,

I don’t know what they ate!

Such was my grade eight,

All I'll say is that it was great.

Nishad Pawar



Spend so long ensnared in darkness,

It begins to gaze back at you.

A sky once devoid of stars,

Now the sole embraced view.

Where boundaries once rested,

Roots now claim their space.

The deafening silence decays,

Transforming into a welcoming grace.

For so long deemed a cell,

Yearning for release from her curse.

Yet once the shackles are lifted,

Sanity becomes a distant verse.

Ensnared in a swirling tempest,

Within which she discovered solace.

Enveloped in its soothing embrace,

Where she'll forever trace.

Anushka Solanki


Gymnastics: A Ballet of Strength and Grace

Athletic poetry within the realm of gymnastics intricately weaves together elements of athleticism, grace, strength and artistry. Despite its enchanting nature, gymnastics remains a sport that is not universally acknowledged. Behind every impeccably executed routine lies a narrative of unwavering dedication and resilience. Gymnastics demands a steadfast commitment, pushing athletes to the limits of both physical and mental endurance, requiring substantial levels of flexibility, strength and stamina. The relentless training, the inherent risk of injury, setbacks and the perpetual pursuit of perfection create a crucible of challenges that gymnasts must confront head-on.

A gymnast can be likened to a poet, soaring through the air with the liberating grace of a well-crafted stanza during a floor routine, or navigating the balance beam with the precision of a carefully written verse. Athletes in this discipline metamorphose into storytellers and poets, utilizing their bodies as instruments to express narratives of strength, coordination, grace and unyielding determination. The fluidity of motion, precision in execution and the artistry embedded in each routine collectively fashion a captivating spectacle that transcends mere physical exertion. The athlete's movements form a unique language and every routine becomes a tale told through physicality, revealing the boundless potential for beauty and strength inherent in the human body.

Gymnastics transcends the realm of a mere sport; it is an art form, a ballet that epitomizes strength and resilience. In the elegant routines and precise movements, athletes convey a story that extends beyond visible struggles, leaving spectators in awe of the inherent beauty encapsulated within the discipline.

Aarya Turankar 


An Ode to Boards and Banter: A Teacher's Tale 

In the land of grades, exams and fear so dear,

 I'm your guide through English, so lend me your ear.

 Grade 12 is upon us and boards are drawing near,

 I'm studying so much, it's my own greatest fear.

 Books and papers surround me like a fort,

 I am diving in deep, a scholarly sport.

 I am deciphering sonnets and proses with glee,

 Sometimes I think, "Am I taking the exam or are they taking me?"

I have got my pens, my highlighters and my notes,

 I am learning new things, tying new knowledge in bows.

 The classics, the modern, the grammar and more,

 I am in a literary battle, on an intellectual tour.

 Late nights and coffee, my companions so true,

 I have memorized poems, ask me, I'll spew.

 I have become a word wizard, a linguistic delight,

 I am so prepared that I can give the test tonight.

 But wait, there's a twist, a comical turn,

 For my students are spirited and they make me learn.

 They shoot questions at me, at any time of the day,

 I have got to be sharp, there's no time for me to delay.

"Peenaz Ma'am, what's a metaphor?" they ask with a grin,

 I respond with a smile, though it's chaos within.

 On my toes, I must stay, like a dancer so fleet,

 Answering queries from students, my job is no feat.

 Yet, in this chaos, there is a bond we share,

 Laughter and learning, a duo that is so rare.

 They are not just my students, but my children, it is true,

 In this journey together, we have so much to pursue.

 So, as the boards approach, with anxiety in the air,

 We will face it together, like a united pair.

 For English is more than just grades and stress,

 It is about the journey, the joy and the success.

P.S - All the best my children, I am sure you all will do well. 

Peenaz Chinoy

English Educator

A Life's Deal

Two shades stand, for the cards they rule,

Red boasts lineage, black shouts life’s jewel.

The natural elements four suits that traces,

The hustle amongst them it embraces.

Adam's ale, terra firma and all about air,

Setting ablaze His creations as to dare!

The red shouts ‘blood’

For the glorifications in the Kingdom that flood 

People sing the praises 

The edulcorate governance that blazes

The black underscores experiences; shady and dark

Her Majesty-’dilemma’, lifetime’s benchmark  

Jack is an entity’s despair

A call for mankind- “Beware!” 

Pritha Mukherjee

French & English Educator