Mazedar Monday

The Mondays of February were dedicated to the colour green as green symbolizes nature. On the first Monday of February, children brought different green veggies. The teacher explained the benefits of the green vegetables. The second Monday was a green day. Children came in green attire and brought green objects also for the show & tell activity. The Third Monday was a special one in which parents  came to the class and narrated the stories.

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Role Play Activity by Parents

Parent involvement activity was conducted in nursery class and the topic was community helpers. It was a wonderful opportunity for both the parents and the children to come together and explore the important roles that community helpers play in our society.

The objective of this activity was to enhance the children's understanding of different community helpers and to foster a sense of appreciation for their contributions. We believe that involving parents in the learning process not only strengthens the bond between school and home but also enriches the overall educational experience for the children.

During the activity, parents were invited to join us at the school, where they actively engaged in various hands-on learning experiences with their children. Together, they explored different professions such as doctors, painters, nurses, teachers and more. Through interactive discussions and imaginative play, the children had the opportunity to gain insights into the important responsibilities and functions of these community helpers.

The enthusiasm and participation from both parents and children were truly remarkable. This activity sparked curiosity and ignited the children's imaginations. 

Sandwich making activity

The children of Pre-Primary wing embarked on a fun-filled adventure of a delightful and tasty journey of sandwich making activity. The primary objective of the Sandwich Making Activity for kindergarten children was to provide an engaging and hands-on experience that fosters creativity, fine motor skills development and introduces basic concepts of healthy eating. This activity allowed children to explore different textures, colours and tastes while learning about assembling a simple and nutritious sandwich.