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Updated 13 December 2021

HSC Maths exam papers are published on the NESA website

The HSC Maths exam papers have just been published on the NESA website and can be found here (with the exception of Extension 1 of course). I will be working my way through them this afternoon.

As mentioned previously, schools and teachers have been directed to send their feedback to, but if any of you would like to provide feedback directly to me or have a conversation, please feel free to give me call or email.

Stage 5 SDBEC courses

The following was published in Monday's NESA bulletin but being aware of how chaotic schools are at the moment, wanted to bring it to your attention.

As you would be aware the endorsed status of some of the Stage 5 SDBEC courses comes to an end at the completion of 2021, every other course will finish at the end of 2022. The courses are still able to run, but will not appear on students' Record of School Achievement (RoSA).

Year 9 students who are studying these courses in 2021 that end their endorsement period in 2021 are able to have the 100-hours studied added to the RoSA whether they are continuing on with the subject at school or not. These grades need to be included on Schools Online with the Year 10 RoSA grades and these close on 26 November.

My understanding is that this may apply to:

  • iSTEM

  • Bush Craft

  • Catholic Studies

Any questions, please let me know.

Kind Regards

Mrs Peiti Haines

Senior Professional Officer

School Improvement Services - Secondary

Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong

HSC Results and 2022 HSC Training (Ref: 314/21)

The release of HSC results on January 24 next year means that the CSNSW HSC Results Analysis will not be available when schools return. Processing the data usually takes 3-4 weeks and at this stage plans are to upload the reports on or before Friday 28th February.

Next year the intention is to offer an expanded range of support services including:

  1. targeted briefings immediately after the release of the HSC results,

  2. CSNSW HSC Analysis (DeCourcy) training,

  3. NESA delivered Assessment and Results Analysis Package (RAP) training targeted at specific audiences,

  4. bespoke support for diocesan offices and RI/MPJP schools.

We are keen to hear from you about the HSC analysis training made available each year. To this end we will be issuing a survey to past participants, and we look forward to your feedback.

For further information contact Gary Molloy:

Changes to the ROSA & HSC Rules and requirments for 2021 and 2022

Effective: immediately

In response to the current COVID-19 situation, changes have been made to curriculum and assessment requirements for the RoSA and the HSC in 2021 and 2022, as well as the conduct and operations of the HSC in 2021.

The changes in these ACE rules give effect to decisions made by the COVID-19 Response Committee.

The COVID Changes for 2021 apply until 31 December 2021 or until revoked.

The COVID Changes for 2022 apply until 31 December 2022 or until revoked.

For more information about the changes to the HSC in 2021, please visit the NESA website.

Effective immediately

The following 2021 HSC examination will have new or revised personalised question/answer booklets and/or personalised writing booklets.


English Standard Paper 2

Section I, II & III Writing Booklet – 24 pages (Section I – 7 pages, Section II – 7 pages, Section II – 7 pages)

This further expands NESA’s use of personalised examination materials that are pre-printed with the student name, student number and centre number.

Personalised examination material reduces work for students during the examination, and allows greater efficiency in identification when it is scanned for processing and onscreen marking.

Students will be given:

  • personalised writing booklets.

Sample examination materials are available to download from the syllabus section of the NESA website.

For more information, contact:

Jean Hsu

Head, Business Management

(02) 9367 8372

National Mathematics Summer School

NMSS is a two-week residential school for mathematically gifted and talented senior high school students held each January at The Australian National University.

The proposed dates for the 54th NMSS in Canberra are 9 – 22 January 2022

Please keep this in mind for any of your students who are Mathematically gifted and talented.

Please use this link for more information.