
What is the best way to manage a student who is disrupting the online lesson?

A: Proactive behaviour management is always best, setting clear expectations for behaviour, eg. showing students how to raise their hand on zoom, what appropriate chat comments would be. When setting up Google Classroom, consider the most appropriate ways for students to add comments etc. On Zoom as the host you are able to turn the microphone and video off for participants. Follow up through normal procedures on Compass as well as contacting parents.

Instead of using zoom, can I pre-record myself?

A: There is nothing stopping you from pre-recording teaching resources, however, it is recommended for you to use zoom to interact with your students especially at the beginning of the lesson.

How should students present for zoom lessons?

A: The recommendation is for comfortable, appropriate clothing which may be their school uniform

How do I put students into break out rooms in Zoom?

What support will be provided if teachers are not confident with Zoom or Google Classrooms?

A: Teacher can access the CEDoW Zoom Support site and the First day with Google Classroom Resources If you require further support speak to the Learning Technology Coordinator at your school.

Do students join a Zoom meeting for every class they have?

A: Despite some initial teacher concerns, it would make sense to begin each lesson checking in with students through Zoom to ensure all are aware of expectations, learning intentions etc for the lesson. While students should be able to access their teacher every lesson, it does not necessarily need to be through Zoom for the whole lesson. Individual schools may mandate this though. The CEDoW Zoom Support site may assist teachers with this.

Do I need to create an individual Zoom meeting for every single class I teach?

A: Recommended practice would be to create a Zoom per class that you have but use the same code every time you have that class. The code could then be shared once on Google Classroom or in a calendar invite or email to the students and this would not need to change for every single lesson.