
How do we provide meaningful ongoing feedback?

Feedback is a very important aspect of the teacher and learning cycle. NESA’s advice on how teachers can provide effective feedback to their students is worth reading.

There are a variety of ways in which teachers can give their students feedback on students’ work.

Google Classrooms provide many options for providing feedback to students when setting tasks. This video will get you started.

Information on other approaches to giving feedback can be found on the Feedback for Online Learning page of the learning continuity website.

A recently held webinar on Student Accountability and Feedback is also a useful source of ideas around how teachers can provide meaningful feedback to their students.

Given that most students are now learning remotely, how can schools safeguard the authenticity of school-based assessment tasks?

The authenticity of school-based assessment is an important issue. How teachers from each course area respond to this will vary. However, the following presentation from NESA sets out the general principles that teachers need to consider when designing a school-based assessment.

Where can I find out the latest information from NESA on how the Covid 19 situation impacts on school-based HSC Assessment.

The latest information from NESA can be found on the following webpage: https://www.educationstandards.nsw.edu.au/wps/portal/nesa/about/news/novel-coronavirus

This webpage should be read in its entirety.

Note: In regards to School-based HSC Assessment

The Board has given principals or system authorities the power to make decisions about school-based assessment for the 2021 HSC in relation to:

  • the number and weightings of formal assessment tasks

  • the task types. (NESA website)

If schools have further questions, you should liaise with your schools’ curriculum coordinator who can contact a member of the School Improvement Services - Secondary Team - if further information is required.

Can scope and sequences be adjusted?

A: Yes, there will be units that are more suitable to the online platform so adjusting the timing of course delivery is advised where teaching teams feel this would be best.

What if students are unable to complete Year 12 Assessment Tasks?

A: Normal Illness/Misadventure processes to follow - see NESA Advice

Science Extension Scientific Research Project

Students should continue to maintain a Scientific Research Portfolio and formulate a Scientific Research Report.

The final Scientific Research Report is still due to be submitted to Schools Online by Wednesday 8 September 2021.