Acceptable Use

Digital Device Acceptable Use Policy

The following agreement describes the Information, Communication and Learning Technology (ICLT) services the College offers students and the shared responsibilities that follow.

The Catholic Education Network (CeNET) has been established in all schools in the Wollongong Diocese and exists in many other Dioceses throughout Australia. This network has been designed to allow the College to deliver and manage school based internet services. As a Wollongong Diocesan school, Holy Spirit College students are issued with a Google Education Account offering access to email, document creation and storage, web space and a host of other services which will evolve over time. They also receive a Microsoft Office 365 and Adobe Creative Cloud account.

These services are accessible from any internet ready computer at the College, at home or anywhere in the world.

The following are the clauses of our Student Digital Device Acceptable Use Agreement

As a student of Holy Spirit College,

  1. I understand that email accounts, blogs, personal web pages, Google Docs or any other computer based resource used on campus, or as part of my school based learning, are NOT private and may be viewed by my teachers
  2. I will only use my CeNet account and will not use, or attempt to use, another person's account.
  3. My CeNet Account will be used exclusively for school based learning activities
  4. I will cross-reference and acknowledge any information that I refer to in my school based learning
  5. I will abide by copyright laws by not copying and redistributing another's work. I will acknowledge the rights of copyright owners
  6. I will treat all learning technologies with respect and due care. I understand that any act of vandalism or any attempt to harm or destroy the digital resources of another will result in the revoking of my CeNet Account
  7. I will maintain my computer to accommodate the digital services supplied by the College
  8. I will only use my digital device whilst in class under the direction of my teachers
  9. I will not store, play, share or view digital media that is inappropriate, immoral or illegal
  10. I will not use digital technologies to harass or bully another student
  11. I will abide by conventions of online etiquette and be respectful of the dignity of others
  12. I will not share the personal details of anyone over the internet to access school based resources unless approved by my teacher
  13. I will not knowingly use or introduce malware to cause harm
  14. My parents will monitor my use of computers and the Internet at home as this is NOT the responsibility of the College
  15. I will not play games during school hours unless approval has been given by my teacher(s)
  16. I will not charge my device at school unless directed to do so by a teacher.

It is the responsibility of all students to alert teachers when computers are damaged or malfunction. Students must inform College staff of any unethical or illegal actions they are aware of regarding the misuse of information or computer systems.

All students electronically identify themselves at the College before they can use online services . This allows the College to monitor how students are using the system. Access to the internet at school is filtered, this means that only appropriate web sites can be accessed. Each school has the power to control which websites are accessible to students on the school premises. The filtering system the College is using is one of the most comprehensive in the world today.

All incoming and outgoing email sent by students at the College or from home is monitored for inappropriate language.