Level 1 Core Skills

A girl reading a book sitting on a couch.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Recognise some familiar words independently including some that are commonly used and personally relevant.

  2. Interpret some common symbols and signs in familiar contexts.

  3. Demonstrate awareness of text conventions, print material and the alphabet.

  4. Make sense of simple personally relevant sentences containing familiar words.

  5. Use word identification strategies.

  6. Identify the nature of familiar documents.

Someone writing 'My plan' in a diary.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Write some familiar words for different purposes.

  2. Transcribe simple information in specific order.

  3. Write for different personal and socially relevant audiences.

  4. Use some rules of writing appropriately.

Two ladies sitting by a campfire chatting and drinking a hot drink.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Listen to obtain information

  2. Follow clear succinct instruction in familiar contexts

  3. Explore ideas and new vocabulary that is relevant and appropriate to a personal situation, orally

  4. Interact appropriately in a narrow range of formal and informal social situations

  5. Express opinions, facts and feelings in response to familiar and/or personal situation,

  6. Communicate about the past, present and future activities