Poncúlacht, Tinreamh & Fágáil Luath 

Punctuality, Attendance & Leaving Early


Tá muid dírithe ar fhorbairt an duine iomlán ó thaobh forbairt pearsanta, sóisialta, oideachasúil agus mothúcháin, chun go mbeidh gach aon duine ábalta a gcumas a chomhlíonadh.(Ráiteas Misin GCU)

Tá muid freagrach as sláinte, sábhailteacht agus cosint ár dáltaí fad is atá siad faoinár gcúram.

Cód Iompair na Scoile:

Sé an caighdeán atá leagtha síos sa Chód Iompair maidir le Tinreamh agus Poncúlacht ná: “Táthar ag súil do mbeidh gach dalta ar scoil in am agus lá iomlán ranganna a dhéanamh.”

GNÁTHAIMH INGHLACTHA chun sláinte, sábháilteacht agus cosaint gach mac léinn faoi 18 mbliana d'aois a chomhlíonadh:

Má tá cúis roimh ré ag dalta an scoil a fhágáil go luath (m.sh. coinne fiaclóra / leighis) caithfidh sé /sí nóta a bheith sínithe ag an tuismitheoir / caomhnóir sa dialann scoile agus caithfidh sé/sí an nóta  seo a thabhairt don mhúinteoir ranga ag an tionól (9.15 - 9.20) ar maidin.

Caithfidh tuismitheoir/caomhnóir gach dalta atá ag imeacht luath an dalta sin a shíniú amach. Caithfidh an tuismitheoir/caomhnóir a theacht isteach sa scoil agus an dalta a thabhairt leo taréis é/í a shíniú amach.

Má thagann dalta isteach go dtí an scoil mall.

An chéad uair (sa leath téarma) caithfidh an scolaire nóta sínithe ag tuismitheoir/caomhnóir a thabhairt don scoil agus an Leabhar Isteach Mall a shíniú san oifig sula dtéann sé/sí go dtí an rang.

An dara h-uair  (sa leath téarma) Beidh ar an tuismitheoir/caomhnóir theacht chuig an oifig chun a bpáiste(Í) a shíniú isteach roimh dhul chuig an rang.

An triú h-uair  (sa leath téarma) Bauilfidh an príomhoide leis an tuismitheoir ag an phríomh oifig chun cruinniú a eagrú le himní scoile a phlé. 

Ina dhiaidh sin Déanfaidh an scoile machnamh faoi teagmháíl a dhéanamh leis an Oifigeach Leasa Oideachais muna bhfuil feabhas le feiceáil. 

Má tá dalta tinn nó breoite i rith an lae, caithfidh sé/sí dul i dteagmháil ar dtús le ball foirne - Príomhoide, Phríomhoide Tánaisteach, Oifig Scoile, nó aon mhúinteoir / CRS. Déanfaidh údaráis na scoile teagmháil leis an tuismitheoir / caomhnóir.

Má chuirtear imeacht spóirt ar athló nó ar ceal mar gheall ar dhrochaimsir, táthar ag súil go mbeidh a gcuid éide scoile, ábhair ranga, leabhair, obair bhaile, srl. ag na daltaí a bhí le páirt a ghlacadh  agus go nglacfaidh siad páirt i ngnáthranganna an chláir ama.

Táthar ag súil go bhfillfidh daltaí atá ar Thuras Oideachais / Gníomhaíocht seach-churaclaim Scoile ar ais chuig an scoil tar éis an turais agus go nglacfaidh siad páirt sna ranganna atá fágtha acu


Caithfidh tuismitheoir/caomhnóir gach dalta atá ag imeacht luath an dalta sin a shíniú amach.

Caithfidh daltaí a bhfuil cúis roimh ré acu le fágáil luath nóta sínithe ag an tuismitheoir / caomhnóir a bheith sa dialann scoile agus caithfidh sé/sí an nóta  seo a thabhairt don mhúinteoir ranga ag an tionól (9.15 - 9.20) ar maidin.

Má thagann dalta isteach go dtí an scoil mall.caithfidh sé/sí síniú isteach san oifig sula dtéann sé/sí go dtí an rang.

Má tá dalta tinn nó breoite i rith an lae, caithfidh an dalta teagmháil a dhéanamh le ball foirne ar dtús.

I gcás aon dalta atá ag iarraidh imeacht luath agus  go gcuireann tuismitheoir/ caomhnóir glaoch ar an scoil ag iarraidh cead don dalta imeacht luath agus nach raibh nóta sínithe aige/aici ar maidin caithfidh an tuismitheoir labhairt leis an bPríomhoide agus má tá an dalta ag fágáil, caithfidh an tuismitheoir a theacht isteach sa scoil agus an dalta a shíniú amach.


Má tá dalta tinn nó breoite, níl sé inghlactha gurb é an chéad uair a chloiseann údárais na scoile faoi ná nuair a ghlaonn tuismitheoir isteach nó nuair a thagann siad isteach leis an dalta a thabhairt abhaile.

chuirtear imeacht spóirt ar athló nó ar ceal mar gheall ar dhrochaimsir, ní ghlactar leis go bhfágfadh daltaí a bhí rannpháirteach, an scoil go luath agus nach mbeadh a n-éide scoile, leabhair, srl. leo.

cheadófar do dhaltaí aon bhusanna a fhágáil go luath nó a lieann amach ar an mbealach ar ais chuig an scoil ó Thuras Oideachais Scoile/Gníomhaíocht Seach-churaclaim. Níl sé inghlactha gur mian le daltaí imeacht go luath toisc go bhfuil grúpa dá scoilbhliain ag gníomhacht/turas  scoile.

Níl sé inghlactha go ndéanann dalta téacsáil nó glaoch abhaile ag iarraidh ar a dtuismitheoir/caomhnóir glaoch ar oifig na scoile le cead a thabhairt dóibh imeacht go luath. Más mian le tuismitheoir é seo a dhéanamh, beidh air / uirthi labhairt le Príomhoide na Scoile agus bualadh le húdaráis na scoile nuair atá siad ag síniú an dalta amach. 


We in Gairmscoil Chú Uladh are dedicated to developing the person as a whole, including their personal, social, educational and emotional development, so that each individual can fulfil their potential. (GCU Mission Statement)

We are responsible for the health, safety and protection of our students while they are in our care.

School Code of Behaviour:

The standard set in our School Code of Behaviour for Attendance and Punctuality is that:

“All students are expected to come to school on time and to attend classes for the entire day.”

ACCEPTABLE PROCEDURES  to comply with health, safety and protection of all students under the age of 18:

If a student has a prior reason for leaving school early (e.g. Dental/medical appointment) he/she must have a note signed by the parent/guardian in the school diary and must give this to the class teacher at assembly (9.15 - 9.20) in the morning.

All students who need to leave must be signed out by a parent/guardian. The parent/guardian must enter the school and leave with the student after signing out.

If a student arrives late to school:

First occurence (in the half term) the student must present a note signed by parent/guardian explaining the lateness. The pupil must then sign the Late Arrivals Book in the office before going to class.

Second Occurence (in the half term) The parent/guardian must accompany the student to the office to sign them in before going to class. 

Third Occurence ((in the half term) The principal will meet with the parent at the main office and arrange a meeting to discuss school concerns

Subsequent occurences The school will consider contacting the Educational Welfare Officer if no improvement is evident.

If a student is sick or ill during the day, he/she must first contact a member of staff - Principal, Deputy Principal, School Office, or any teacher/SNA. The school authorities will contact the parent/guardian. 

If a sporting event is postponed or cancelled due to bad weather, it is expected that the students who were to participate, will have their school uniforms, class materials, books, homework etc with them and that they will  participate in the normal timetabled classes that day.

Students who are on  a School Educational Trip/ Extra Curricular activity are expected to return to the school after the trip and participate in the remaining classes


All students who need to leave must be signed out by a parent/guardian.

Students leaving with prior reason must present a note signed by parent/guardian in their diary to the class teacher at assembly in the morning before 9.20.

 If a student arrives late to school, he/she must sign in at the office before going to class.

If a student is sick or ill during the day, he/she must first contact a member of staff.

In the case of any student who wishes to leave and the parent/guardian ringing the school seeking permission for a student to leave early and a signed note has not been presented in the morning Parents must talk to the Principal and if the student is leaving, the parent/guardian must enter the school and sign the student out. 


If a student is sick or ill during the day, it is not acceptable that the first the school authorities hear about it is the parent/guardian ringing up or arriving at the school to take the student home.

If a sporting event is postponed or cancelled due to bad weather, it is not acceptable that students who were to participate, would leave school early and that they would not have their school uniform, books, etc with them.

Students will not be allowed off buses early or dropped off en route back to the school from a School Educational Trip/ Extra Curricular activity

It is not acceptable that students wish to leave early because there is a group of their school year at a school event/activity. 

It is not acceptable that a student texts or rings home to get their parent /guardian to ring the school office to give them permission to leave early. If a parent wishes to do this, he/she will have to talk to the School Principal and meet with school authorities when signing out the student.