Thinking Traps

Negative thinking traps really impact our ability to persevere during challenging situations. Review growth mindset vs. fixed mindset, then learn more about the thinking traps.

Do you recognize any that take over your thinking?

Binocular Vision

Looking at things in a way that makes them seem bigger or smaller than they really are.

Dark Glasses

Thinking about only the negative parts of things

Blame Game

Blaming others for things that are your responsibility.

Fortune Telling

Making predictions about what will happen in the future without enough evidence.

Black and White Thinking

Looking at things in only extreme or opposite ways (e.g., thinking of things as being good or bad, never or always, all or none, friend or enemy)

Making it Personal

Blaming yourself for things that are not your fault or thinking things are about you when they are not.

All Alone

Thinking you have problems that one one else understands.

Broad Brush

Judging something based on one experience with it.