Growth Mindset

Use these tools to help teach and reinforce growth mindset thinking.

Having a growth mindset can be tough sometimes. Especially when thinking traps invade our brain and cause us to get stuck thinking about the negative. Learn and practice how to change those "fixed" thoughts to growth mindset thoughts!

It may be hard to adjust to a new way of learning.

Let's learn how to develop a growth mindset together!

Visit the Growth Mindset Choice Board for more lessons and activities.

Use this powerpoint to learn about and discuss growth mindset thinking. Be sure to take the quiz at the end!

Growth Mindset PPT.pptx

Here are some books to talk about how to stretch your brain and have a growth mindset!

Developing a growth mindset takes time and a lot of practice.

Here is an activity that can be done at home with the family! No printer? You might be thinking, "I can't do this activity. We don't have a printer." No worries! Change that thought into "I can do this activity, but I will have to be a flexible thinker and write them myself." This adjustment to the activity is a great way to model growth mindset thinking at home. Ready? Let's get started!

Click here to download the activity: Growth Mindset Sort

Write the different phrases. Then cut and sort them into fixed vs growth mindset piles! Once the activity is finished, your student has practiced problem solving, writing, reading, and fine motor skills!

Even superheroes practice growth mindset thinking!