What's happening in the district?

In-Person Learning Update (Sept 2020)

On Friday, Sept 11, 2020, Superintendent Dr. Devon Horton provided the D65 community with an important update regarding In-Person Learning. Due to current public health conditions, the decision was made to delay In-Person Learning until the start of the second trimester (November 16) if it is safe to do so at that time. Per Dr. Horton’s update, any decisions regarding the reopening of schools will be made on a trimesterly basis. Notice to staff and families will be provided at least two weeks in advance. We understand that this news is difficult, which is why we are working to provide our community with additional resources during this time. This includes working with our community partners to provide remote learning and childcare support, virtual enrichment and tutoring services, potentially offering in-person support for select students with IEPs, and promoting Fall camp options provided by the City of Evanston. As information becomes available, D65 will provide weekly updates on the status of health metrics, building preparations, and additional resources and support.

Curbside Meal Pick-Up Now Available!

Breakfast and lunch will be available to every child during Remote Learning. Meals may be pre-ordered (by Thursdays) and picked up curbside for the week on Mondays at several locations. For more information and details, click HERE

Hello ESCCA Friends,

We hope that this finds you all well during these turbulent times. We wanted to update you on how we plan to continue to provide our services during this pandemic and economic crisis. The ESCCA Covid Task Force has been meeting weekly since late June to develop a plan to safely and effectively serve our families. With a clearer idea of what the District is doing to open for the Fall, we are putting this plan into action.

Please contact the school health clerk, Ms. Gill (gilld@district65.net) for a referral.

Below is a summary of ESCCA's proposed process:

  • No in-person serves. Volunteers will participate in shops on behalf of District 65 students.

  • No more than 3 volunteers in the center at any time. The center is closed to non-volunteers and recipients.

  • Compliance with JEH policies including sign-in, temperature checks and masking.

  • ESCCA will have a 6 ft social distancing and glove policy as well as a sanitizing procedure at the beginning and end of each shop.

  • District 65 families will pick up bags from the ESCCA center during designated times.

  • Volunteer times will shift to day-time only.

If your student is in a crisis that is an emergency situation or can not be managed at home, please consider the following agencies. All of these services are immediate, free, confidential and accessible online, by phone, live chat and via text.

Stay safe and be healthy