Coping Strategies & Mindfulness

It is important to have healthy coping strategies to use during tough times. Learn and practice healthy strategies as often as possible.

Click the buttons for activities to continue practicing various skills.

Daily coping skills also available in various languages. Also, join the Action for Happiness Monthly Calendar mailing list to receive monthly coping calendars.


The most effective way to regulate emotions is through deep breaths. It can be very difficult to use strategies in the moment so the best one to try is to just breathe! Breathing helps for oxygen to get to the brain and help to settle the body. Use this story to talk through the importance of taking nice, long belly breaths!

Sometimes games can be fun, but they may also cause big feelings. It's okay to take a break and try the game again later.

Here are some interactive tools to talk about coping strategies with students. Make learning about feelings and strategies fun through these activities and games!

Mindfulness Activities

Resilience Activities