Standards-Based Grading Rubric

Mustang Learning Standards

- Participates daily in moderate to vigorous physical activity. (19.A.3b)

- Apply rules and safety procedures in physical activities. (19.C.3a)

- Monitor intensity of exercise through a variety of methods. (20.B.3a)

- Evaluate healthy fitness zones as associated with the FitnessGram Test. (20.B.3b)

- Remain on task independent of distraction. (21.A.3a)

- Follow directions and decisions of responsible individuals. (21.A.3a)

Academic Levels of Proficiency

Exceeding (EXD) - Student is exceeding the standard by consistently demonstrating an advanced level of understanding and/or ability to apply knowledge at a higher level.

Meeting (MTG) - Student is independently achieving and demonstrating a thorough understanding of the standard.

Approaching (APR) - Student is developing an understanding of the standard but may still need additional instruction and/or support.

Beginning (BGN) - Student is demonstrating minimal understanding of the standard.

Not Assessed (N) - Sstudent is currently not assessed on the standard.