Registration form
The registration form is closed.
Please register directly at the conference.
Only workshops/tutorials
One day: ACM Member €200 / Non-member €250 / Student €150
Two days: ACM Member €300 / Non-member €350 / Student €250
Workshop registration grants access to all workshops and tutorials scheduled on the selected day(s), including the daily lunches and coffee breaks (either on June 6th or June 7th for One-day-registration or on both days for Two-days-registration).
Only conference
Early (by May 15th): ACM Member €600 / Non-member €650 / Student €350
Late or on-site: ACM Member €650 / Non-member €730 / Student €400
Conference registration includes access to all the conference sessions (not workshops), all lunches and coffee breaks on June 8th, 9th and 10th, 2022, the welcome reception on June 8th, and the AVI party on June 9th.
One day workshops/tutorials + conference
Early (by May 15th): ACM Member €700 / Non-member €750 / Student €450
Late or on-site: ACM Member €750 / Non-member €830 / Student €500
One-day+Conference registration includes access to the workshops and tutorials of the selected day (either June 6th or June 7th) plus all the conference sessions. Coffee breaks and lunch are included on the four days, plus the welcome reception on June 8th and the AVI party on June 9th.
Full registration: Two days workshops/tutorials + conference
Early (by May 15th): ACM Member €750 / Non-member €800 / Student €500
Late or on-site: ACM Member €800 / Non-member €850 / Student €550
Full registration includes participation in all workshops, tutorials, and conference sessions. Coffees and lunches are included on all the days. Welcome reception on June 8th and the AVI party on June 9th are included as well.
June 9th social event
Extra ticket: €110
Fees do not include VAT 22%
According to the Italian Fiscal Law, VAT will be requested in the following cases:
If the invoice is headed to an individual acting as a private person (Italian / EU or extra EU citizen)
If the invoice is headed to an Italian University (electronic invoice)
However, if the invoice is headed to an EU (Italy excluded) and Non-EU University there is no requirement to pay VAT (VAT registration number of University will be a compulsory field only for EU).
IMPORTANT : all accepted papers (conference and workshops) should be associated to a proper (i.e., not student) registration. Student registration should be accompanied by a proper certification of the student status (copy of the University card, letter from the advisor on letterhead, signed and stamped, etc.). Student registrations are not acceptable for presenting authors, i.e., if the only author attending the event and presenting the paper is a student, s/he need to register in the normal category
For any issue or question about the registration procedure, please contact: and CC)