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The school website may collect some information on your behalf. These are the following:

Information shared through this website will be treated with confidentiality. These will only be used on the purposes intended and will not be shared to any third-party company, organization, individual or agency. ​Some information, including technical data (IP address, server address, operating system, device specifications, etc.) are collected by the website service provider as is the common practice in the industry.

​The website is protected by HTTP Secure protocol and as such, information transmitted through this site is encrypted. However, there are no guarantees provided herein and may affect browsing in some devices. Information shared will be the user's responsibility.


Information contained in this website is owned or licensed by San Bartolome High School. Content used not owned by the school have rights reserved by their owners.

The information in this website is free to be used for personal, education and commercial purposes as long as it is not defamatory to the school and any of its stakeholders or members.


This website uses material from the following sources: