Republic of the PhilippinesDEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONRegion 02 (Cagayan Valley)SCHOOLS DIVISION OF CAGAYANWestern Cagayan School of Arts and TradesCentro 03, Lasam, Cagayan


The Special Education Fund arises from the additional one percent (1 %) tax on real property and is allotted by the Local Government Code to the local school boards. This Fund is allocated by the Code for the operation and maintenance of public schools; construction and repair of school buildings, facilities and equipment; educational research; purchase of books and periodicals; and sports development in amounts determined by the local school boards themselves.!.pdf

The Special Education Fund (SEF) is, in actual sense and in terms of practicality, a very useful and beneficial especially for those small schools. This fund is of great help to school institution to deliver quality education to the students/pupils through conducive classrooms, updated books and other instructional materials. However, it is observed that sometimes the SEF is not utilized and maximized into its intended purpose. Sometimes only few people benefit from it.

If SEF is used or utilized well, it would really help the schools, especially those small ones and those which really need help and aid to deliver quality service to their clientele- the learners. This SEF may not be the “answer to all” financial constraints faced by public schools, but it could be “something” that can alleviate school financial problems.