Republic of the PhilippinesDEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONRegion 02 (Cagayan Valley)SCHOOLS DIVISION OF CAGAYANWestern Cagayan School of Arts and TradesCentro 03, Lasam, Cagayan

Junior High School(JHS) Curricular Offerings

The STE Program is a special program which shall lay the foundation for a career and/or support to a career for learners with interest and aptitude in Science, Technology and Engineering. The Program consists of the following components:

1. Curriculum and Instruction;

2. Learning Environment;

3. Leadership and Governance; and

4. Administration and Finance.


The core subjects offered in the Secondary Education Curriculum (SEC) and under the K to 12 BEC were enhanced by additional subjects identified in the Revised Curriculum of the Engineering and Science Education Program (ESEP) of the S & T-Oriented High Schools. The subject offerings, time allotment and unit credits stipulated in DepED Order No. 41, S. 2004 and DepED Order no. 31, S. 2012 were strictly implemented. In many schools offering the Program, add-on subjects in Science and Mathematics were offered on top of the requirements of the core curriculum and the special curricular program in science and technology.

The Special Curricular Program in Science, Technology and Engineering (formerly ESEP) envisions highly responsible, morally upright, globally competitive, and work-ready learners from schools offering relevant and innovative Science, Technology and Engineering education. Committed to this vision, the STE High Schools shall be the centers of excellence in Science, Technology and Engineering education in the schools divisions that shall develop the full potential of students along these areas.

With the vision and mission in mind, the Program aims to widen access to quality secondary education with the view to develop learners with the interest and aptitude for careers in or for higher learning in Science, Technology and Engineering.

The “Strengthened Technical-Vocational Education Program (STVEP), which the Department of Education (DepEd) launched in school year (SY) 2007-2008, has gone a long way in propping up, vitalizing and popularizing technical-vocation education (TVE) in public secondary schools.

The STVEP, an effective strategy to properly address the perennial problem of poverty, is designed to provide utmost development of the individual as a total person equipped with technical-vocational and academic competencies, proper work ethics and desirable values that will make the person economically-stable, responsible, law-abiding, productive and competitive in the world of work.

Specifically, the program seeks to equip students with certifiable technical, vocational, and industrial and other relevant skills to be productive citizen of the country, improve high school (HS) students’ performance in skills and academic competence, achievement tests, accreditation and equivalency for certification programs and upgrade the competency of tech-

voc teachers in the delivery of basic and certifiable skills in different courses through skills trainings, seminars and formal studies.

School of arts and trade include automotive technology, building construction, cosmetology, drafting, electronics, food trades, garments, machining, PC hardware servicing, plumbing, refrigeration and air-conditioning, and welding.

On the other hand, school of agriculture offers crop production, vegetable production, animal production and food processing while school of fisheries presents fish culture, fish processing and fish capture.

Aside from their respective regular curricular offerings, the three types of tech-voc schools have three mandate subjects, namely, Internet and Computing Fundamentals from first to third year, Technical Drawing from second to third year, and Entrepreneurship from third to fourth year.

To ensure that students acquire necessary skills in their different lines of specialization, the DepEd has partnered and linked not only with TESDA but also with the Quezon City-based Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization-Innovation Technology (SEAMEO-INNOTECH), Microsoft Philippines, Meralco Foundation, Inc. (MFI), Don Bosco Technical School, Petron Philippines, San Beda College, Colombo Plan Staff College for Technician Education, and CISCO Networking System of the Philippines.

