2019 Season V: May

Prof. Dr. Annalisa Marzano

University of Reading

Academic Activities in China

At the Invitation of Guangqi International Center for Scholars (GICS)

May 5-16, 2019

Jointly sponsored by (by the order of events)

Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai上海师范大学

Shanghai University 上海大学

Fudan University, Shanghai复旦大学

Northeast Normal University, Changchun 东北师范大学

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing中国社科院世界史所

Columbia University Global Centers | Beijing哥伦比亚大学全球中心 | 北京

The events are free and open to the public!

May 6 Monday (5月6日,周一)

9:30-11:30am "Roman maritime villas: between otium and production"


主持人:Dr. Baoyun Liu刘保云 博士

评议人:Prof. Changgang Guo郭长刚 教授

Guangqi International Center for Scholars 1103, Shanghai Normal University (SHNU)


May 8 Wednesday(5月7日,周三)

9:30-11:30 " Grafting glory: horticulture and elite self-representation in ancient Rome "


主持人:Dr. Ying Xiong 熊莹 博士

评议人:Dr. Zhongxiao Wang 王忠孝 博士

Guangqi International Center for Scholars 1103, Shanghai Normal University (SHNU)


May 7 Tuesday (5月7日,周二)

10:30 am " Fishing 'Industry' in Roman Asia Minor " 罗马时代小亚细亚的渔业

主持人:Prof. Changgang Guo郭长刚 教授

Shanghai University上海大学

May 7 Tuesday (5月7日,周二)

7:30-9:00pm "Modes of organization and exploitation of Roman provincial territories: key issues and approaches"

主持人:Dr. Zhongxiao Wang 王忠孝 博士

Fudan University 复旦大学, Guanghua Building West Tower


May 10 Friday(5月10日,周五)

" The economic importance of coastal lagoons: the case of the Roman fishing 'industry'"

主持人:Prof. Dr. Sven Günther

IHAC, Northeast Normal University东北师范大学古典文明研究所

May 14 Tuesday(5月14日,周二)

9:30 " Modes of organization and exploitation of Roman provincial territories: key issues and approaches "

主持人:Dr. Yujuan Hu 胡玉娟 研究员

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中国社科院世界历史研究所第二会议室


May 15 Wednesday(5月15日,周三)

6:30-8:00pm "Roman Seaside Villas: Between Leisure and Production"

主持人:Helena Xiao

评议人:Jinyu Liu 刘津瑜

Columbia University Global Centers | Beijing哥伦比亚大学全球中心 | 北京

(Due to seating limit, advance reservation is encouraged for the lecture on May 15 at the Columbia Beijing Center.)