2016 Season II

Prof. Dr. Walter Scheidel

Dickason Professor in the Humanities, Professor of Classics and History

Stanford University

Academic Activities in China

At the Invitation of Guangqi International Center for Scholars (GICS)

May 24-31, 2016

Jointly sponsored by

Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai上海师范大学

Fudan University, Shanghai复旦大学

Shanxi Normal University, Xi’an陕西师范大学

Capital Normal University, Beijing首都师范大学

Remin University, Beijing中国人民大学

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing中国社科院世界史所


Wednesday, May 25

2-4pm Guangqi Classics Lecture*


“Stanford Orbis: creation, use, and prospect” 斯坦福罗马世界地理网络模型:创办、使用及前景

Shanghai Normal University上海师范大学

Thursday, May 26

2:30-5pm GICS-Stanford-Fudan Seminar光启国际学者中心-斯坦福-复旦研讨班:

“The science of ancient history”古史研究之科学路径

Fudan University复旦大学

Xi’an 西安

Friday, May 27

7:30pm: Lecture at Center for the Social History of Medicine讲座:

“Disease, medicine, and demography in the ancient Roman world”古代罗马世界的疾病、医药与人口

Shanxi Normal University陕西师范大学

Beijing 北京

Monday, May 30

9am-12noon GICS-Capital Normal University Jointly Sponsored

Comparative Workshop 首都师大-光启国际学者中心联合主办比较工作坊: “The Stanford ancient Chinese and Mediterranean empires comparative history project” 斯坦福古代中国与地中海帝国比较历史项目

Capital Normal University 首都师范大学

3-5pm Renmin University Distinguished History Lecture Series人大史学讲堂:

“China, Rome, and the First Great Divergence” 中国、罗马及第一次大分流

Renmin University人民大学

Tuesday, May 31

9:30am-11am Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) 中国社科院:

“Violence and the global history of inequality”暴力与“不平等”之全球史

CASS社科院世界史所Professor Yujuan Hu (CASS)

*The Guangqi Classics Lecture and Seminar Series is a new initiative launched by Shanghai Normal University in its effort to promote Classical Studies in China and foster trans-lingual and trans-cultural conversations about Classics in a globalizing world. It invites Classics scholars from around the world to share their cutting-edge research, provide master classes, and organize international conferences and workshops on diverse aspects of the ancient world.

Please send inquiries to: Prof. Jinyu Liu at jliu@depauw.edu or liujinyu@shnu.edu.cn.