2019 Season V: March

Prof. Dr. Joseph A. Farrell, Jr.

Professor of Classical Studies

Mark K. and Esther W. Watkins Professor

in the Humanities

University of Pennsylvania, USA

President of Society for Classical Studies, 2018

At the Invitation of Guangqi International Center for Scholars (GICS)

Jointly sponsored by

(in the order of the events)

Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai上海师范大学

Fudan University, Shanghai复旦大学

Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 浙江师范大学

Zhejiang University, Hangzhou浙江大学

North-East Normal University, Changchun 东北师范大学

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing中国社科院世界史所

Renmin University, Beijing 人民大学

Capital Normal University, Beijing 首都师范大学

Peking University, Beijing 北京大学

March 11 Monday

9:30-11:30 Seminar 1: "Ovid as a liminal figure in Augustan and early imperial literary history" 作为奥古斯都时代及罗马早期帝国文学史上临界人物的奥维德 at Guangqi International Center for Scholars 1103, Shanghai Normal University (SHNU)上海师范大学光启国际学者中心,徐汇区桂林路100号东区实验楼1103

March 12 Tuesday

19:00-21:00 Lecture: "Augustan Poetry: Ovid, Death and Transfiguration" at Fudan University 复旦大学, Guanghua Building West Tower 光华楼西主楼1901会议室; hosted by Professor Yang Huang, organized by Professor Zhongxiao Wang

March 13 Wednesday

9:30-11:30 Seminar 2: "Ovid, Amores 3.13" 奥维德《恋歌》第三卷第十三首 at Guangqi International Center for Scholars 1103, SHNU上海师范大学光启国际学者中心

Shanghai 上海

March 17 Sunday

18:30-20:30 Lecture: "Classical Reception: The Case of Ovid's Exile Poetry" at 人文学院418研修室 at Zhejiang Normal University 浙江师范大学; hosted by Professor Dingxiong Feng. Event report: "记Joseph Farrell教授“古典接受:以奥维德流放诗为例”讲座".

March 20 Wednesday

Lecture: "The Political Significance of Poetry in the Augustan Era: Ovid, Exile, and Death"奥古斯都时代诗歌的政治意义 at Zhejiang University; hosted by Professor Wei Chen. Event report: "Joseph Farrell:奥古斯都时代诗歌的政治意义 "

March 22 Friday

Lecture: "The Chronological Structure of Ovid's Metamorphoses" at North-East Normal University; hosted by Sven Guenther

March 26 Tuesday

Lecture: "Classical Reception: The Case of Ovid's Exile Poetry" at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中国社科院; hosted by Professor Yujuan Hu

March 27 Wednesday

Lecture: "Ovid as a liminal figure in Augustan and early imperial literary history" at Renmin University in the afternoon; hosted by Professor Daqing Wang and Professor Xiaoxu Xu. Event report: "美国著名古典学家约瑟夫·法雷尔教授做客'人大史学讲堂'"

March 28 Thursday

Lecture: "The Political Significance of Poetry in the Augustan Era: Ovid, Exile, and Death" at Capital Normal University in the afternoon; hosted by Professor Yongbin Li

March 29 Friday

10:00-11:00 Lecture and round-table: "Teaching Ovid in China and in the United States" at Peking University; hosted by Professor Xiaoyu Peng; organized by Ching-yuan Wu, Xingang Zhang, Rik van Wijlick, Chun Liu

Special thanks to all of our colleagues, collaborators, event organizers, friends, and student volunteers! The Guangqi posters are designed by Elaine Chu 储韵! 非常感谢上师大各位老师和同学的支持,也特别感谢彭小瑜、黄洋、王忠孝、冯定雄、陈玮、Sven Guenther、胡玉娟、晏绍祥、李永斌、王大庆、张新刚、范伟里克、吴靖远、刘淳等各位老师和张红霞博士的精心安排!

With Dr. Hendrik van Wijlick, Dr. Ching-yuan Wu, Huling Zhang, and Jingyi Yang at Peking University, March 29, 2019

Meeting with Professor Daqing Wang at Remin University, March 27, 2019

Introduced by Professor Yongbin Li at Capital Normal University, March 28, 2019

Introduced by Professor Yujuan Hu at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), March 26, 2019

With Professor Yongbin Li at Capital Normal University, Beijing, March 28, 2019

With Professor Dingxiong Feng at Zhejiang Normal University, March 17, 2019

At the Xujiahui Jesuit Library, Shanghai, March 13, 2019

At Fudan University, March 12, 2019

At the International Center for Scholars, Shanghai Normal University, March 11, 2019

At Guangqi Memorial Park, Shanghai, March 13, 2019

Fudan University

With Professor Yang Huang at Fudan University, March 12, 2019