2018 Season IV

Richard J. A. Talbert

William Rand Kenan, Jr. Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Lectures in Shanghai, Kunshan, Beijing, Tianjin, and Baoding

May 28 - June 11, 2018

May 30 Wednesday

9:00-10:30 Seminar 1: "Roman Child-Support Schemes: Whose Idea, and Why?"罗马儿童资助计划:创建者与缘由at Guangqi International Center for Scholars 1103, SHNU上海师范大学光启国际学者中心

5pm Lecture "The World Viewed from Rome: Making Sense of the Peutinger Map" at Duke Kunshan University 昆山杜克大学

May 31 Thursday

Evening Lecture: "The Geographic Importance of Roman Portable Sundials" 罗马便携式日晷的地理重要性at Fudan University 复旦大学

June 1 Friday

9:00-10:30 Seminar 2: "How Much Did Maps Matter to Romans?" 地图对于罗马人的重要性?at Guangqi Center 1103, SHNU

14:00-17:30 Book Party: A Celebration of the Publication of the Chinese Translation of Richard J. A. Talbert, The Senate of Imperial Rome 罗马帝国的元老院讨论会及译著发布会 (《罗马帝国的元老院》, 梁鸣雁、陈燕怡译,华东师范大学出版社) at Guangqi International Center for Scholars

June 3, Visiting NYU Shanghai (with Paolo Visigalli and Xuan Li)

June 5 Tuesday

9:30-11:00 Lecture: "Knowing the Time of Day: Roman Habits Revisited" 辩知时间:罗马习惯新考at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中国社科院

June 6 Wednesday

3:10pm Lecture: "What did the Peutinger Map Mean to the Roman Viewers" at Peking University 北京大学

June 7-9 Thursday-Saturday

Lecture "Central Asia in Roman Experience and Imagination" 罗马经历与想象中的中亚at Nankai University 南开大学

Lecture at Hebei University 河北大学

June 11 Dr. Paolo Visigalli: The Beginnings of Indian Philosophy: the Upanishads in a Comparative Perspective


Paolo Visigalli曾在罗马、帕多瓦、威尼斯、维也纳以及剑桥求学,2014年获剑桥大学亚洲与中东研究博士学位,主要研究领域为西方与印度哲学、语言学、印度与中国佛教以及诠释学等等。除母语意大利语以及英语之外,Visigalli博士通晓梵文、巴利语、拉丁语与德语,对梵文、巴利语及拉丁语言文学都有研究,此外古希腊语、波兰语、法语、中文都达到相当的水平。Visigalli曾任教于慕尼黑大学、复旦大学、上海外国语大学、上海交通大学,本年度入选上海“千人计划”,已加盟上海师范大学世界史专业。

他的学术著作包括2014年与G. Ciotti和A. Gornall合编的Pushpika: Tracing Ancient India through Texts and Traditions. Contributions to Current Research in Indology Volume 2. Oxford: Oxbows Books。并发表十余篇英文文章,如‘The Buddha’s Wordplays: The Rhetorical Function and Efficacy of Puns and Etymologizing in the Pali Canon’. Journal of Indian Philosophy 《印度哲学杂志》44 (2016): 809-832。目前正在完成专著Semantic power: Etymological Theories and Practices in Early Hindu and Buddhist Texts。

The book party in celebration of the publication of the Chinese translation of Richard Talbert. The Senate of Imperial Rome.