Green Screen Graphics

The 2 videos below reflect an "artificial green screen movie" made in Keynote using "Magic Move" and placed on top of a short video clip of freshmen football. For help in producing a moving graphic using Keynote, see the instructions below.

1. Open Keynote. Select a new project, choose WIDE, then choose a theme. Basic black or white is fine since green will be the background.

2. In the upper left hand corner of the Keynote window, reduce 100% to 25% temporarily. Then delete the 2 text boxes.

3. Click the shape icon and choose the square; drag it to be bigger than the wide screen window. Choose a green color similar to that which John Deere uses (officially: chromakey).

4. Change 25% to 50% (or a bit bigger if you prefer).

5. Create a text box of your choice or insert some graphic that you want to "move." Place a "small" version of it just off screen (created by the wide screen selection).

6. Click on slide 1 over on the left side of the screen. It will be outlined in yellow.

7. Click Animate in the upper right of the Keynote window. Select Add an Effect/choose Magic Move. A pop-up may explain it or demonstrate it.

8. With slide 1 selected (and still outlined in yellow), change On Click to Automatically in the lower right part of the window. Now would also be the time to alter the time (duration) of this animation if you wanted to do so.

9. With slide 1 selected (and still outlined in yellow), duplicate (command D) slide #1.

10. On slide 2, drag your graphic or text box to a new location. This graphic or text box can be resized but it must be the same, original piece.

11. Click on slide 1 and then click the play button. View your "green piece."

12. Go up to File, drag down Export to QuickTime. If you made it auto-advance (step 8 above) you can ignore the 5 and 2 default numbers. Click Next.

13. Give it a title, know to where the video will save, and click Export.

14. At this point, the .mp4 file can be imported into iMovie. When placed on top of existing still photos or video, it will serve as a green screen video just like you do so in the green room. The difference is using text or graphics rather than your body.