Instrument Purchases & Repairs

Instrument Rental, Purchase and Repairs

Always refer any repair needs (no matter how minor they may seem) to a qualified instrument repair technician or luthier. Many times a well meaning family member (including one who may be quite skilled with tools and woodworking) has ended up causing a much more extensive (and expensive) professional repair to be necessary after trying a home repair. Often what may seem to be a "horrible calamity" (like an instrument neck coming off, or a big seam opening up between pieces of wood in the body) is something that can be handled rather easily and somewhat inexpensively by an experienced stringed instrument repair technician. Stringed instruments and their components are made out of very special kinds of wood and are held together with very special types of glue (not available at any home improvement store). Always see a specialized luthier or consult your teacher before attempting any repair.

Repairs and Purchases:

CIOMIT (Instrument Repair)

Eggen Violin Shop

Golden Music Center

Kolacny Music

Robertson and Sons Violin Shop

Von’s Violin Shop

For more specialized instrument repairs:

Luthier: Rick Molzer, (303) 690-1390

For Bass purchases/repairs: Ross Double Bass

For bow rehairs & purchases: Evan Orman Bows

Things to consider when purchasing a new instrument:

Avoiding VSO's (Violin-Shaped-Objects)

Strings and Accessories:

Shar Music Products

Southwest Strings

Coda Bow

Just Strings Superstore

Woodwind Brasswind

*These lists in no way reflects preferences of the Douglas County School District or its teaching staff and does not attempt to provide complete lists organized through outside organizations or businesses.