Remote Instruction Support

If your child is participating in remote (virtual) instruction, he/she will receive their instruction from a DCPS teacher from home and will not be attending school on a DCPS campus. Since all students may not have internet access, how he/she completes assignments at home will be different because of this.

If you have internet access at home, please choose Google Classroom for virtual instructional support.

If you do not have internet access at home, please choose Flash Drives for virtual instructional support.

With Internet Access at Home

If you have access to the internet at home, your child's teacher will be using technology tools such as Google Classroom and Google Meet to provide instruction and assign work online for your child. Please click on Google Classroom for Support.

Without Internet Access from Home

If you do not have internet access at home, your child will be receiving a flash drive that is combined with either paperwork or work to be completed on the flash drive.

Please click on Flash Drives for more information for using these flash drives without internet at home.

If you are still having problems completing an assignment or accessing work, please contact your child's school for more information and assistance.