Frequently Asked Questions

If my child is 100% virtual, will he/she be logged in all day on the computer?

Students that are attending virtual instruction will receive a schedule from his/her teacher that provides the start time for each class. Careful consideration has been given to the age of the child and the amount of time that the student will be online. Instructional time and requirements will be different for students depending on their grade level. Please read the orientation information received from your child's teacher carefully and ask any questions you may have regarding instructional time online for your child's classes.

My child is 100% Virtual, and I work during the day. How can I access my child's work at night?

Teachers that are working with students virtually will be recording his/her class sessions. If you have internet at home, these recordings will be put in the Google Classroom to be viewed for that day. You are able to watch the instructional videos in the evenings, complete assigned work in Google Classroom, and submit those assignments for grading in the evening.

If you do not have internet access at home, these same recordings will be provided on the student flash drives for pick-up once per week. Your child will be able to view these class recordings, any other instructional support materials, and complete work each day on the flash drive. The flash drives will be returned to school, and new instructional information will be provided once per week.

How can I contact my child's teacher if I have a question after-hours?

During the 2020-2021 school year, students will have two options to contact teachers. Using Google Classroom, he/she can send their teacher a private comment on an assignment whenever the work is being completed. The students will also have access to Gmail that will allow him/her to send emails to their teachers. All private comments and emails will be returned the next school day.

What time do the elementary school children begin school?

The start time for elementary schools is 8:15 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.

What time does school start for RHS and RMS?

The start time for Ridgeview is from 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

When will the 100% Remote Students receive their Chromebooks?

Chromebooks will be distributed to remote only students on Friday, Aug. 21, 2020. A Blackboard call announcement and Facebook posts will be available to inform parents of pickup times at each school.

When will Hybrid students receive their Chromebooks?

Hybrid students will receive their Chromebooks on their first day of school.

If I need help, where can I go for assistance?

Anytime you need support, you can contact your child's teacher using Google Classroom or Gmail, access help topics on the DCPS Outreach and Support website, or contact your child' school for more information and assistance.