DCPS Outreach and Support

Dickenson County Public Schools

Welcome to the DCPS Outreach and Support Website!

Although we are faced with many instructional challenges because of the COVID-19 Returning to School and Reopening Guidelines, that doesn't mean that learning cannot take place. In fact, DCPS is taking this opportunity to evaluate our educational program and enhance it with technology tools that will prepare your child for life in a technology rich society and for whatever job market is in his/her future. Since traditional instruction, or school as we knew it in the past, is not possible at this time, DCPS has designed an instructional program that will ensure that learning can still take place while meeting the challenges of our demographic area (i.e. limited or no internet access).

Website Overview Video

If your child is using a flash drive, please see the following instructions for using a flash drive for instruction.

Flash Drive Instructions

What Type of Instruction is My Child Participating In During the 2020-2021 School Year?

Hybrid Instruction: Your child attends school two days per week and completes assignments from home three days per week; with or without internet access.

Remote Instruction: Your child does not attend school and receives instruction with a DCPS teacher from home; with or without internet access.

Quick Access Links

Hybrid/Remote Instruction With Internet

Hybrid/Remote Instruction Without Internet