Beyond Academics

Students of the Department of Biochemistry across all three years bond together as a family and participate in not just academic events but also join in celebrating the various aspects of college life. The students take initiative in managing and organising activities like Freshers Meet, Farewells, Teacher's Day Celebration, Picnics and Trips.

  1. Department of Biochemistry Orientation Day 2021

On 22nd Nov, 2021, the Department of Biochemistry organized, Exordium 2021, the orientation program for our newly admitted students. The biochemistry batch of 2021-2024 has around fifty six students, and the orientation program was attended by majority of the students on the virtual platform of Google meet. This interactive session was organized to break the ice between the faculty and the students and to give the new students a hearty welcome to the department. During the program, the students were abridged about the curriculum as well as the extracurricular activities of the department by our Teacher in Charge, Dr. Kamana Singh. The students were introduced to all the faculty members of the department, followed by an introductory session of the students, wherein they shared about their background, schooling, hobbies and interests. The students also communicated their interest for the subject and why they were keen to pursue biochemistry. Brimming with curiosity, the new batch was excited to start experimentation, classes as well as college life. Given the current circumstances of the looming pandemic, this orientation meet, although virtual, was a welcome gesture which was gladly accepted by all the new students and the faculty members could also get a glimpse of the department’s future.